Scientist discovers a sixth sense


As we all know, there are five senses: hearing, smell, sight, taste and touch. Now, however, a scientist has shown that we have a sixth sense: the ability to know when someone is watching us.

Many people have noticed this feeling. For example, you are sitting in a cinema, and you feel that someone is watching you. You look around quickly, and find that you are right. A friend, at the back of the cinema, is staring at you.
Until now, no one has been able to prove scientifically that people really do have this ability. But recently a scientist called Dr Rupert Sheldrake has announced the results of some new experiments.
The experiments work in this way. Imagine two girls, Emma and Claire. Emma sits on a chair and wears a blindfold over her eyes, so she cannot see. Claire sits a few metres behind Emma. A teacher blows a whistle. Then in random order, Claire either looks at Emma, or she looks in a different direction. Emma must say if Claire is looking at her or not. The experiment is repeated 20 times.
Sheldrake repeated this simple experiment with hundreds of children. The results were that the person who was wearing the blindfold,like Emma, could often feel that the other person was watching him or her. Generally, the children knew about 60% of the time they were being watched. If the children were just guessing’yes’or’no’,the result would only be 50%.

Some scientists say they do not agree that there is a sixth sense, They say it is impossible to feel something in this way, But Dr Sheldrake says that the results are accurate..’These experiments were carried out by different people in different countries.’he said,’and yet they all showed almost the same results.’


直到现在,没有人能以科学证明人类真的有这种能力。然而最近有个叫作Dr Rupert
一些科学家说,他们不同意,有第六感,他们说这是不可能用这种方法感觉到的,但Dr Sheldrake说结果是准确的,"这些实验是由不同的人在不同的国家进行。”他说,“但他们都显示了几乎相同的结果。”

第1个回答  2010-05-12