跪求英语大佬 13个提问 帮我造个5到6句回答 急

1.Where did you go on your best vacation ever?
2.Tell me about your dream vacation.
3.Where do you like to shop?Why?
4.What's a good place for entertainment? Why?
5,What's the best way to spend a day?
6.Where's a good place to meet with friends after a long day of shopping?
7.What's your all-time favorite movie? Why?
8.What is something you can't stand?Why?
9.What's the most interesting class at school? Why?
10.What's the least interesting class at school?Why?
11.What happened?I've been waiting for 45 minutes!
12.Tell me about a time you had to give an excuse. Was it the truth?What happend?
13.Can you come to my party next weekend?

    Where did you go on your best vacation ever?
    2.Tell me about your dream vacation.
    3.Where do you like to shop?Why?
    4.What's a good place for entertainment? Why?

    6.Where's a good place to meet with friends after a long day of shopping?


1.I have spent the best vacation in Beijing.

2.My dream holiday is the Spring Festival

3.I like to go shopping in the supermarket because there is a complete range of products

4. A good place to play football because I love playing football.

6. After a long day of shopping, the cinema can meet with friends
