电力英语翻译 大侠帮下忙

Lines are protected by overcurrent-, distance-, or pilot-relaying equipment, depending on the requirements. Overcurrent relaying is the simplest and cheapest, the most difficult to apply, and the quickest to need readjustment or even replacement as a system changes. It is generally used for phase- and ground-fault protection on station-service and distribution circuits in electric utility and in industrial systems, and on some subtransmission lines where the cost of distance relaying cannot be justified. It is used for primary ground-fault protection on most transmission lines where distance relays are used for phase faults, and for ground back-up protection on most lines having pilot relaying for primary protection. However, distance relaying for ground-fault primary and back-up protection of transmission lines is slowly replacing overcurrent relaying. Overcurrent relaying is used extensively also at power-transformer locations for externa-fault back-up protection, but here, also, there is a trend toward replacing overcurrent with distance relays.

It is generally the practice to use a set of two or three overcurrent relays for protection against interphase faults and a separate overcurrent relay for single-phase-to-ground faults. Separate ground relays are generally favored because they can be adjusted to provide faster and more sensitive protection for single-phase-to-ground faults than the phase relays can provide. However, the phase relays alone are sometimes relied on for protection against all types of faults. On the other hand, the phase relays must sometimes be made to be inoperative on the zero-phase-sequence component of ground-fault current. These subjects will be treated in more detail later.

Overcurrent relaying is well suited to distribution-system protection for several reasons. Not only is overcurrent relaying basically simple and inexpensive but also these advantages are realized in the greatest degree in many distribution circuits. Very often, the relays do not need to be directional, and then no a-c voltage source is required. Also, two phase relays and one ground relay are permissible. And finally, tripping reactor or capacitor tripping (described elsewhere) may be used.

In electric-utility distribution-circuit protection, the greatest advantage can be taken of the inverse-time characteristic because the fault-current magnitude depends mostly on the fault location and is practically unaffected by changes in generation or in the high-voltage transmission system. Not only may relays with extremely inverse curves be used for this reason but also such relays provide the best selectivity with fuses and reclosers. However, if ground-fault-current magnitude is severely limited by neutral-grounding impedance, as is often true in industrial circuits, there is little or no advantage to be gained from the inverse characteristic of a ground relay.

Lines are protected by overcurrent-, distance-, or pilot-relaying equipment, depending on the requirements. Overcurrent relaying is the simplest and cheapest, the most difficult to apply, and the quickest to need readjustment or even replacement as a system changes.
It is generally used for phase- and ground-fault protection on station-service and distribution circuits in electric utility and in industrial systems, and on some subtransmission lines where the cost of distance relaying cannot be justified.
However, distance relaying for ground-fault primary and back-up protection of transmission lines is slowly replacing overcurrent relaying. Overcurrent relaying is used extensively also at power-transformer locations for externa-fault back-up protection, but here, also, there is a trend toward replacing overcurrent with distance relays.然而,线路保护中接地距离保护有取代过流保护的趋势。过流保护广泛应用于变压器外部故障的后备保护,但是,现在也有被距离保护取代的趋势。

第1个回答  2010-05-19

