stop from,keep from和keep off的区别


第1个回答  2014-07-24
楼主,您好 prevent...from,keep...from还有stop。。。from 这三个句式的意义都是:阻止。。。做。。。或阻止某事的发生,而protect...from是表示保护。。。不受伤害 prevent...from 和stop。。。from 用在主动语态中from可以省略。 keep...from在表示此意时,from不可以省略。keep。。。doing 是使。。。处在。。。状态中的意思。 prevent...from,keep...from还有stop。。。from 这三个句式中from后面的动词与from前面的词构成动宾关系时,后面用动名词的被动形式。 We must prevent the water from being polluted. What stopped him from coming here. The heavy rain kept us from coming on time. I am sorry to have kept you waiting. You had better wear sunglasses to protect your eyes from the sun. 谢谢采纳!
