


1.     一般现在时,例句: We have six classes every day. 我们每天上六节课。

2.     现在进行时,例句:I am playing computer games now.我正在打电脑游戏。

3.     现在完成时,例句:She has been to New York twice. 她已经去过纽约两次。

4.     现在完成进行时,例句:He has been teaching math for 10 years.他已经教数学10年了。

5.     一般过去时,例句:I bought 2 comic books yesterday.昨天我买了2本漫画书。

6.     过去进行时,例句:We were playing basketball at 6 p.m. yesterday. 昨天下午6点我们正在打篮球。

7.     过去完成时,例句:The train had already left by the time I got to the station.在我到达车站前,火车就已经离开了。

8.     过去完成进行时,例句:At last he got the offer from the university he had been expecting.他终于收到了期盼已久的大学录取通知书。

9.     一般将来时,例句:I will go to Kunming tomorrow.我明天将会去昆明。

10.  将来进行时,例句:I will be doing my homework this time tomorrow.


11.  将来完成时,例句:By this time next year, I will have graduated from the university. 到明年这个时候,我已经从大学毕业了。

12.  将来完成进行时,例句:By the time the sun rises, I shall have been sleeping for nine hours.太阳升起来之前,我已经睡了9个小时了。

13.  过去将来时,例句:I knew that she would be late.我知道她会迟到。

14.  过去将来进行时,例句:They said they would be coming.他们说了他们将要来。

15.  过去将来完成时(较少使用),例句:He said he would have paid me back the money by the end of the weekend. 他说将在周末前还我钱。

16.  过去将来完成进行时(很少使用)【表示动作从过去某一时间开始一直延续到过去将来某一时间。】,例句:He said that by the end of the spring term he would have been studying English for three years. 他说到了春季学期末,他就学了三年英语了。

第1个回答  2023-01-30



(1)直接加“s”,works takes


carry ――carries (3)以“o,s ,ch ,sh”结尾的动词加“es” goes dresses watches pushes 2.功能;


eg ; Birds fly。

She loves music Mary„s parents get up very early (2)表示习惯动作或职业,常与often ,sometimes ,usually ,always ,every week, seldom ,occasionally ,frequently 等时间副词连用。

eg ;I always take a walk after supper。

She writes to me very often

Tom and his girlfriend go out to take apicnic occasionally。


The earth moves round the sun。

The sun rises in the east and sets in west。 Two and twomakes fomaMMur 。 No man but errs。人非圣贤,孰能无过。 (4表将来;

A . 在由when ,after ,befors ,as ,as soon as,although ,because ,if ,even if,in case,till ,until ,unless ,so long as,where ,whatever ,wherever 等引导的状语从句中用一般现在时表将来发生的动作。(黄金重点,所有考试都不放过它!!!)

例如I`ll tell her when she comes tomorrow

Even if it rains this afternoon,I`ll meet you。

Whatever happens,you should keep cool-headed(不错的句型,背下!!!) I`ll be right here waiting for you wherever you go。(很感人的句型!)

B .按时间表示将要发生的动作或事件,用一般现在时表达将来时概念。 The play begins at 6;30 this evening。

When does the plane take off?

He leaves for that city next week。

According to the timetable,the express train to Shanghai starts at nine in the morning(按照时刻表,开往上海的特快列车早上7点出发。)

现在进行时;is 、am 、are+现在分词

二、表示现在正在进行的动作。如 The kettle is boiling。Shall Imake ted? Don`t you think you eat too much?Y ou`re putting on weight(体重增加)。 The workers are building a new pidge across the river。


He istaking physics this semester(本学期)。

We are preparing for our final examination this week。

3、go ,come ,leave ,arrive ,land ,meet ,die ,start ,return ,join ,etc 。用于进行时态时表示即将开始的动作。

Look !The bus is coming。看!车来了!

The old man is seriously ill,and he is dying。

Alice is leaving for Beijing with her mother。

4、与always ,forever ,continually ,constantly 等副词连用,表示说话人带有感情色彩;赞赏或厌恶。

He is always thinking of others(他总是想着别人。)

The boy is continually making noises(这男孩不断地发出吵闹声。)

The teacher is constantly (always )critizing her for being late(老师一直在批评她迟到。)

5、下面表示状态、感觉、情绪、精神活动的动词不可用于进行时。此条戒律背10遍!!!) believe (相信) doubt (怀疑) see (看见) hear (听见) know (知道) understand (理解) belong (属于) think (认为) consider (认为) feel (觉得) look (看起来) seem (看上去) show (显示) mind (介意) have (有) sound (听起来) taste (尝起来) require (要求) possess (拥有) care (关心) like (喜欢) hate (讨厌) love (喜爱) detest (憎恨) desire (意欲)


永远不要说I`m believing。。。或He is seeing a house。再简单一点说,这些动词后面不要随意加—ing 。


注意;have a party|think about可以用进行时,因为这里have 意为“举行”;think 意为“考虑”



We visited the school last spring。

I went to school by bike when I was in middle school。

China was rounded in 1949。


She told me that she would not go with us if it rained the next day。

They would not leave until she came back。

My fyiend promised to marry me once she made her final decision。


Her pother was a chemist。(已去世)

Her pother is a chemist(尚健在)

That`s all I had to say(话已说完)

That`s all I have to say(言之未尽)

It was so nice to see you(离别时用)

It is so nice to see you(见面时用)

Jane did a lot of work this morning(已是当天下午或晚上)

Jane has done a lot of work this morning(仍是上午)



I was playing chess at 8 yesterday evening。

When I arrived ,they were watching TV。

They were dong housework this time last week。


She told me to wake him up if she was sleeping。

I asked my friend to warn me about it as long as I was driving too fast


They told me that they were leaving for New York 。

He was going out when I arrived。


1表示过去所发生的动作对现在的影响或产生的结果。常与yet ,just ,before ,recently (最近)ever ,never 等表示时间的副词搭配使用。

He hasn`t seen her her lately。

I haven`t finished the book yet。

2、表示一个从过去某个时间开始,延续到现在并可能持续下去的动作,常与表示一段时间的时间状语连用。如;so far(迄今为止),up till now(直到现在),since ,for a long time(很长时间),up to present(直到现在),in the past|in the last few years(在过去的几年里),these days(目前)

He has worked here for 15 years。

I have studied English since I came here。

The foreigner has been away from China a long time。

So far,I haven`t received a single letter from my pother。



A 、常见的非延续动词;die ,arrive (到达),join (加入),leave (离开),go ,refuse (拒绝),fail (失败),finish ,buy ,marry ,divorce (离婚),awake (醒),buy ,borrow ,lend (全部会背)。

B 、这类动词并非不能用现在完成时,而是不能按常由for 引导的时间状语。

C 、若是用在否定句中,非延续动词的现在完成时可以与表示一段时间的状语连用。 She has qone away for a month。(误)

She has been away for a month。(正)

The man has died for two years。(误)

The man has been dead for two years(正)

How long have you bought the book?(误)

How long have you qot the book,(正)

4、注意since 的用法;

They haven`t had any trouble since they came here。

It has been ten years since we met last time。

He has been here since 1980。

He has been here since ten years age。 5、几组对比; He has gone to Shanghai(他到上海去了) He has been to Shanghai(他去过上海)。

She has gone。(她已经走了)。

She is gone(or 她死了)

The door has been closed(门关上了。表动作)。

The door is closed(门是关着的。表状态)。



I`ve been waiting for an hour but she hasn`t come。

He has been running after her for 8 years。(run after;追求)


I`ve been wanting to see you for so many years。

Who`s been telling you such nonsecse。



I have thought of it。(我已经想到了一点)

I have been thinking of it。(我一直在想这一点)

Jim has painted the door。(杰姆已将门油漆过了)

Jim has been painting the door。(杰姆一直在油漆门)


1、表示过去某个动作或某个具体时间之前已经发生,完成的动作。“过去的过去。” They had got evenything ready before I came。

The play had begun before I got to the …1theater with my boyfriend。

2、过去完成时常用于hardly|scarcelhen,no sooner。。。than 等固定句型结构中*(意思为;“一。。。就”为重点句型)。

She had hardly|scarcely gone to bed when the bell rang.

No sooner had he arrived at the railway station than he met her parents.(no sooner在句首时句型倒装。)

3、intend (打算),mean (意味),hope (希望) want (想要) plan (计划)等动词的过去完成时用来表示本打算做而没有做的事。

I had intended to call on you yesterday ,but someone came to see me just when I was about to leave(…原想昨天去看你…)

They had planed to hold a football match last week ,but they had to cancel it because the bad weather(…原计划上周举行一场足球赛…)



He will graduate form the college next year。

We shall finish our work as quickly as possible。


. A。be going to do something 。打算做某事(美国口语中常作be gonna) I`m going to do buy a new coat this fall。 (be going to 与will 的对比;下列情况须用will ) I`ll be sixteen years old next year。

It will be the 20th of August tomorrow。

When he comes ,Iwill give him your message。

B 、be+to do sth。表示计划安排做某事或用来征求意见。 Am I to take over his work ?

We are to meet at the gate。

C 、be about to do sth即将做某事。

The talk is about to begin。


be on the point of doint sth。正要做某事

set out to do sth 着手做某事

set about doing sth开始做谋事