
1.-does your brother alaways work so hard ?
----yes,___he catche a cold or has a fever sometames.
A.even though b.whenever c.no matter(为什么不选c?)

2.the teacher got angry_____what we had done in calss yesterday.
A.because B.BECAUSE OF C.as(为什么不选a)

3.----shall i telephone the hotel for information?
______there is no need.she said she should___for the night.
A.put us up B.
PUT US OFF C.put us away(为什么不选B)

4.__Do you agree with me?
____i agree with most of what you said, but i don't agree with___.
A.anything B.eveything C.something(为什么不选A)

5.----how can i find the place?
--------it's easy.go___the hill to the other side and you will find us in the woods.
A.across B.over C.above(为什么不选c)


1.考察词汇,从句意上看,即使他生病的时候他也努力工作,所以选A,而no matter 意思是不管,后面跟的是what/how等疑问代词,所以不选C
2.考察because 和because of的区别,前者后跟从句,后者后跟名词短语。what we had done in calss yesterday 意思是我们昨天在教室做的事,从句做宾语,是一个名词,不是一个句子,所以选B不选A
3.考察put的相关词组,put off意思为1. 延期,推迟;拖延2. 阻碍做某事3. (停车)让某人下4. 使分心5. 关掉6. 敷衍, 推诿7. 脱去(衣、帽等)8. 丢弃, 摆脱,而句子中说她会帮忙给我们安排,put away意思有把什么收好放好,把人安置妥善的意思,所以选C不选B
5.考察over 和above的区别,over, above都可以表示“高于”指数量时,一般用over。“超过”


You have to be over 18 to see this film

The temperature is three degrees above zero.


above不一定是正上方。 不接触