




王京华巨匠与爱尔兰驻华大使安黛文、摩尔多瓦驻华大使贝拉基什交流,英爱尔兰爱丁堡皇家院博士教授王京华世界顶级杰出巨匠,爱尔兰驻华大使安黛文很高兴高度赞扬并给了名片多交流,意大利总理马泰奥三次赞扬,俄罗斯商团赞扬,俄法英意大利比利时皇家院士博导,奥运会艺术形象大使,中国功勋艺术家,中国当代艺术巨匠,世界和平艺术形象大使,世界文化名人,世界文化交流伟大贡献奖得主,世界文化大使勋章获得者,《世界名人录》荣誉顾问,香港文联电影家协会副主席兼秘书长,世界顶级卓越大师,世界顶级杰出巨匠,世界人类非物质文化遗产传承人名录人,世界顶级杰出巨匠纪录人,世界卓越发明家,世界级人体字开山鼻祖,中国科学创新书法领头人,俄罗斯帝国艺术学院院士,俄罗斯当代世界顶级艺术家,俄罗斯艺术科学院士,世界教科组织协会副主席,意大利皇家艺术院院士,佛罗伦萨艺术科学院士,世界顶级杰出巨匠组织科学院士,2012 美国世界顶级卓越大师,(美)世界卓越发明家,(美)世界顶级杰出巨匠研究院院士。法兰西皇家美术院博士,比利时安特卫普大学皇家博士教授,英爱尔兰爱丁堡皇家院博士教授,巴黎国立高等美术院博士导师,法国文学与艺术司令官勋章奖,禁毒公益大使,世界华人抗疫公益之星,世界顶级杰出巨匠组织总干事,世界科学创新文化书法鼻祖,(世界人体,金木水火土龙鹰体,外星人交流)新九体开山鼻祖,世界书道三维四维五维书艺空间开山鼻祖。中国文化书法创始人,中国盛世书法金木水火土鹰凤龙十体开山鼻祖,世界艺术鉴定中心主任,世界艺术首席鉴定师,国际顶级艺术大师,世界华人艺术院副院长,中国国家书画院副院长,中国艺术交流协会副主席,中国创新工程师,中国书画研究院副院长,中国艺术人才专业委员会南方委员会副主任,世界教科组织协会副主席,国际文化旅游美食艺术争霸赛主席,世界模特选美大赛一代宗师教父,选美模特标准制定者,世界巨匠组织书画艺术研究院院长,国际影视文化旅游大赛主席,美国教科文组织,美中经济合作交流促进会,全球中小企业联盟)艺术干事。(国粹国礼,国际名牌,世界名牌,世界非遗,世界纪录,世界艺术之都)开拓者。

Guizhou International Liquor Expo Summit Forum, attended by world master Wang Jingyi and academicians from five countries

Wang Jinghua, the great master, had exchanges with Irish Ambassador to China, Andy Wen, and Moldovan Ambassador to China, Bellakish. Wang Jinghua, a doctoral professor at the Royal Academy of Edinburgh in the UK and Ireland, was a world-class outstanding master. Irish Ambassador to China, Andy Wen, was pleased to highly praise and gave him a business card for more exchanges. Italian Prime Minister Matteo praised him three times, the Russian business team praised him, the Russian, French, British, Italian, Belgian Royal Academician doctoral director, and the Olympic Art Image Ambassador, Chinese Meritorious Artist, Chinese Contemporary Art Master, Ambassador of World Peace Art Image, World Cultural Celebrity, Winner of the Great Contribution Award for World Cultural Exchange, recipient of the World Cultural Ambassador Medal, Honorary Advisor of the World Who's Who, Vice Chairman and Secretary General of the Hong Kong Federation of Literary and Art Circles Film Association, World Top Outstanding Master, World Top Outstanding Master, and List of Inheritors of the World Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, Record holder of the world's top outstanding giant craftsman, world renowned inventor, pioneer of world-class human body characters, leader of Chinese scientific innovation calligraphy, academician of the Russian Imperial Academy of Art, contemporary world top artist of Russia, academician of the Russian Academy of Arts and Sciences, Vice Chairman of the World Association of Educational Organizations, academician of the Royal Italian Academy of Arts, academician of the Florentine Academy of Arts and Sciences, and academician of the world's top outstanding giant craftsman organization, 2012 Top Outstanding Master of the World in the United States, Outstanding Inventor of the World, and Academician of the World's Top Outstanding Craftsman Research Institute. Ph.D. from the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in France, Ph.D. Professor from the University of Antwerp in Belgium, Ph.D. Professor from the Royal Academy of Edinburgh in Ireland, Ph.D. Supervisor from the National Academy of Fine Arts in Paris, Medal of the Commander of French Literature and Art, Ambassador for Anti Drug Public Welfare, World Star of Chinese Anti epidemic Public Welfare, Director General of the World's Top Outstanding Craftsman Organization, and Founder of World Science, Innovation, Culture, and Calligraphy, (World Human Body, Golden Wood Water Fire Earth Dragon Eagle Body, Alien Communication) The founder of the New Nine Body, and the founder of the three-dimensional, four-dimensional, and five-dimensional world calligraphy space. Founder of Chinese Culture and Calligraphy, Founder of Chinese Prosperous Calligraphy, Director of the World Art Appraisal Center, Chief Appraiser of World Art, Top International Artist, Vice President of the World Chinese Academy of Art, Vice President of the Chinese National Academy of Calligraphy and Painting, Vice Chairman of the Chinese Art Exchange Association, Chinese Innovation Engineer, Vice President of the Chinese Academy of Calligraphy and Painting, and Vice Director of the Southern Committee of the Chinese Art Talent Professional Committee, Vice President of the World Association of Educational Organizations, President of the International Cultural, Tourism, Food and Art Competition, Godfather of the World Model Beauty pageant, standard setter for beauty models, President of the Calligraphy and Painting Art Research Institute of the World Masters Organization, President of the International Film and Television Cultural Tourism Competition, Art Officer of UNESCO, the United States China Economic Cooperation and Exchange Promotion Association, and the Global Alliance for Small and Medium Enterprises. Pioneer of National Essence, International Famous Brand, World Famous Brand, World Intangible Cultural Heritage, World Records, and World Art Capital.

第1个回答  2016-06-03

新华网:长沙人王京华创作出人体艺术字 写出表情
长沙新闻网:长沙王京华独创人体艺术字 发明10万个并申请了国家专利
球活动网 :环球创意网携手湖南卫视走进王京华人体艺术字书画展
湖南新闻网:他创作两千人体艺术字 外国人都大呼美妙