be obliged to do和feel obliged to do一样吗


1、be obliged to do和feel obliged to do 意思一样,指 “不得不,只能,必须,有义务去做某件事。” 

2、 但是在用的时候,有细微差别。就跟 have to / must 这对情况差不多。

3、 be obliged to do 更强调后面跟的具体事件;而feel obliged to do 则略带有主观色彩,侧重前面接的那个人的感受,那个人( 比如I , you )觉得有义务做某事,感到有必要做某事。

4、 be obliged to do 是基本短语,而feel obliged to do 是引申出来的,一个活用短语。 


be obliged to do

1、When a person does a certain thing again and again, he'll be obliged to do it in the same way by some unseen force. Thus habit is formed. 


2、No witness at an inquest shall be obliged to answer a question if to do so would tend to incriminate him. 


3、He also rejected the contention that a term should be implied into the charter that the charterer was obliged not to do anything deliberately which prevented the date of the first notice being met. 


feel obliged to do

1、With great regret, I might feel obliged to do the same. 


2、In some jobs, it is difficult to get away on time ( if all your colleagues work late, you might feel obliged to do the same). 


3、If you feel like you "have to" do something you'll automatically feel a sense of restrainment and negativity, that comes naturally when we're feeling obliged to do something. 

