

Michael Joseph Jackson (1958 8 29 - June 25, 2009), is a well-known American musicians, dancers, an outstanding humanist and artist, known as the King of Pop is the pop music world the history of the greatest and most influential musicians, pop culture and the representative figures. His unique contribution to nearly half a century, deeply to promote and influence the development of popular music into pop music into a peak. At the same time as a complete artist, not only in music, Jackson has a remarkable achievement, in the dance, stage performances, fashion, etc. all have a unique contribution and extraordinary influence, is widely considered the greatest artist in history as one.
He is a great music all-rounder, in the lyricist, composer, scene production, arrangement, singing, dancing, playing musical instruments, etc. all have outstanding achievements. He, as lead singer and youngest member of the 1964 debut The jackson 5 band, and later in 1971 began a successful solo career. His 1982 album "Thriller", is the world's No. 1 selling album, with a total record sales have reached 110 million. Other album "Off The Wall" (1979 Nian), "BAD" (1987 Nian), "Dangerous" (1991), and the "HIStory" (1995 years) are also among the ranks of the world's 100 largest-selling album. The most famous song in the history of public service "We Are the World" is precisely the kind he and Lionel Richie co-creation complete. He created the modern MV, the music video from a propaganda tool to convert a story with a musical form of expression. Single "Thriller" music video is the world's first modern MV, known in the history of "the greatest music video," an unprecedented increase in MTV's position in the modern music industry, MTV is now a modern form of this kind of music is almost all over the modern pop music has been widely used. This year has been regarded as "cultural, historical and artistic importance value" of the "Thriller" became the first one by the United States maintained by the Library of Congress Jane MV. Single, "Beat it" the first time R & B and hard rock successfully integrate such an excellent fusion of cross-border mode of music has changed the face of pop music has now transformed into an indispensable Dictionary of Popular Music a part of. "Billie Jean" music video in history to make MJ the first appears in the MTV television black singer and destroyed stretches of commercial radio stations where several generations of apartheid. Jackson to promote the complex modern dance techniques, such as machinery dance and walk on the moon. His unique music, sound, singing, dancing, extends around the world, breaking the cultural, ethnic, economic and age barriers, incentives and influenced countless pop, rock, R & B, hip hop artist.
Jackson has received Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award, as one of the few artists, three of the Rock Hall of Fame selection, he also received a number of Guinness Book of World Records, including the 2006 Guinness Book of World Records issued a new certificate: history of the world's most successful artist. Has 15 Grammy Awards, 26 American Music Awards (American Music Awards history, the most award-winning artists, including "artists, one of the century"), has 17 scored champion in the U.S. billboard singles (including four as The jackson 5 band members during the song). At the same time that he personally has been the world's 215 million album sales certification, the world's total album sales of 854 million records (this data results in 2009) also make him a music history's best-selling solo singer. He is also the world's largest number of fans of the singer, a prominent philanthropist and humanist, the world's personal contributions to charity on behalf of the largest artist (he is a people support the world's 39 rescue Charitable Foundation). Jackson's personal life has also sparked controversy for many years, his nose, and skin color changes (due to suffering from vitiligo and white) has been media coverage. He married twice, respectively in 1994 and 1996, and has three children. Michael Jackson at the time the United States June 25, 2009 due to excessive injection of propofol into a deep coma and drugs such as doctors, were unable to save the afternoon, was pronounced dead, died at the age of 50. During his lifetime was originally scheduled for July 13 the same year began comeback concert, initially expected 10 concert tickets sold out within hours, followed by encore to 50 games, a total of 1.15 million votes, the other 40 tickets were in the open tickets sold out within four hours, but the concert with Michael Jackson, his passing behind schedule Kai Chang. Los Angeles Police Department homicide ruled his death. His death shocked the world, memorial service attracted more than 30 billion viewers worldwide.
迈克尔·约瑟夫·杰克逊(1958年8月29日 - 2009年6月25日),是美国著名音乐家、舞蹈家、杰出的人道主义者和艺人,被誉为流行音乐之王,是流行音乐界历史上最伟大、最有影响力的音乐家,流行文化的代表性人物。他接近半个世纪独特贡献,深深推动并影响着流行音乐的发展,把流行音乐推向了巅峰。同时作为一名全面的艺术家,杰克逊不仅在音乐方面有着卓越成就,在舞蹈、舞台表演、时尚等方面都有着独特的贡献和非凡的影响力,被广泛认为是历史上最伟大的艺人之一。
他是出色的音乐全才,在作词、作曲、场景制作、编曲、演唱、舞蹈、乐器演奏等方面都有着卓越的成就。他作为主唱和最年轻的成员,在1964年首次亮相The jackson 5乐队,后来又于1971年成功开始独唱生涯。他1982年的专辑《Thriller》,是世界销量第一的专辑,总唱片销量已达1.1亿张。其他专辑《Off The Wall》(1979年),《BAD》(1987年),《Dangerous》(1991年),和《HIStory》(1995年)也同样跻身世界百大畅销专辑行列。史上最著名公益单曲《We Are the World》正是由他与莱昂纳尔·里奇共同创作完成的。他开创了现代MV,把音乐视频从宣传工具转换成一种带有音乐故事情节的表达形式。单曲《Thriller》的音乐录像带是全球第一支现代MV,被誉为史上“最伟大的音乐录像带”,空前提升了MTV在现代音乐工业的地位,如今现代MTV这种音乐形式几乎遍布整个现代流行音乐界被广泛运用。今年被视为有着“文化、历史和艺术上的重要价值”的《Thriller》成为第一个被美国国会图书馆珍存的MV。单曲《Beat it》首次将R&B与硬摇滚成功地进行融合,这种极佳的跨界音乐互融模式,改变了流行乐的面貌,如今已转变成了流行音乐辞典中不可或缺的一部分。《Billie Jean》音乐录影带使MJ成为历史上第一个出现在MTV电视台上的黑人歌手,摧毁了商业电台里绵延数个世代的种族隔离。杰克逊推广技巧复杂的现代舞,例如机械舞和月球漫步。他独特的音乐、声音、唱腔、舞蹈,向世界各地延伸,打破了文化、种族、经济、时代的隔阂,激励与影响了无数流行、摇滚、R&B、hip hop艺术家。
杰克逊已获得格莱美终生成就奖,作为为数不多的艺术家之一,三次入选了摇滚名人堂,他还获得了多个吉尼斯世界纪录,包括2006年吉尼斯世界纪录颁发的一个最新认证:世界历史上最成功的艺术家。拥有15座格莱美奖、26座全美音乐奖(全美音乐奖历史上获奖最多的艺人,包括“世纪艺术家之一”)、拥有17首美国billboard榜冠军单曲(包括四首作为The jackson 5乐队成员时期的歌曲)。同时他个人已有全球2.15亿专辑销量认证,全球8.54亿总唱片销量的记录(此数据为2009年统计结果)也使他成为音乐史上最畅销的独唱歌手。他也是世界上拥有最多歌迷的歌手,一位杰出的慈善家和人道主义者,全世界以个人名义捐助慈善事业最多的艺人(他一个人支持了世界上39个慈善救助基金会)。同时杰克逊个人生活多年来一直引发争论,他的鼻子变化和肤色(因患有白癜风而变白)一直被媒体争相报道。他结过两次婚,分别在1994年和1996年,并有三个孩子。迈克尔杰克逊于美国时间2009年6月25日因被注射过量异丙酚等药物陷入深度昏迷送入医,下午抢救无效,被宣告死亡,终年50岁。生前原定于同年7月13日开始的复出演唱会,最初预计10场演唱会门票在数小时内销售一空,随后加演到50场,总共115万张票,其他四十场门票都在开放售票的四小时内全部售罄,但演唱会随迈克尔·杰克逊的逝去未能如期开唱。洛杉矶警方裁定他的死系他杀。他的死震惊了全球,追思会吸引了全球30多亿观众。

如果长了 你 自己适当的删减点
第1个回答  2010-03-02
Michael Jackson, known as the Arts Festival King of Pop. No one can exceed him, no one can subvert him. He is the embodiment of beauty and goodness. People for his crazy, obsessed. I think when the world's music pumping. He seems to be able to bring the pulse of the world.Him, a great performer. Perhaps some people think that he is unfit called the King of Pop, then you have to think about it, people like to use 20 Who is the founder of Dance? Michael Jackson. The emergence of the modern MTV because of whom? Michael Jackson.


