
在Michigan的一个小镇,一对夫妻有五个漂亮的女儿,父亲是学校的数学老师,是个对於所有事都没有意见的人,母亲是个严格,非常保护女儿的人, (想起我一个国中同学家里管的很严,我妈说,没办法,人家家女儿长的漂亮啊,我们家就没有这种困扰。) 故事发生在这个看来美满的家庭,从某一年的夏天,家里最年幼的女儿,13岁的Cecilia自杀未遂开始。里面很震撼的一段对白是在电影开始没多久,Cecilia自杀未遂后躺在医院病床上,医生对她说:「你还不够老到知道生命又多糟糕 (You’re not even old enough to know how bad life gets)。」Cecilia回答说:「很明显的,你从来没有当过13岁的女生。」或许因为我从小就有那种有点愤世嫉俗的倾向,所以看到这部电影,会有些感觉。不知道是因为女生普遍想法比较早熟,还是因为男生比较不注重精神层面的探讨。在电影里有一段是四个小男生在Cecilia死后讨论他的日记,提到当他们还在制造噪音想要引起女生的注意时,她们已经像是女人伪装成的小女生,已经知道爱,甚至是死亡。

我想大部分的人在叛逆时期都有这样的感觉,觉得自己没有选择,像是被关在牢笼里,有种要窒息的感觉,只希望自己快快长大到可以独立,离开这个囚禁自己的地方。电影里剩下的四个姊妹,最后也以自杀来离开这个牢笼。电影里用另外四个暗恋著Lisbon家五个女生的小男生的角度看这整件事,用旁白倒述他们25年前当事件发生时的记忆。他们是最先发现这些女孩们的死亡的人,但是这是他们心中共同的秘密。也因著这些女孩的死亡,他们跟这些女孩有些连结,不只是事件上的关联,还有心理上的关联。十几岁时的爱恋,四个小男生终於鼓起勇气打算当英雄要来救这四个美女,偷拿了妈妈的加满油的车的钥匙,偷偷跑到Lisbon家,边走边幻想著救出四个美女后,开车在高速公路上驰骋,没想到看到的是一具尸体。就算在25年之后,四个人就算是在cocktail party碰面,聊的话题依然离不开Lisbon家姊妹,就算努力了25年,他们依然无法完整的拼凑出事情发生的原因和始末。在电影的最后,最不能接受女儿们自杀的就是妈妈了,她喃喃自语的说,我们给女儿很多爱,我们家里充满了爱…


In a small town in Michigan, a pair of husband and wife have five beautiful daughters, the father is the school's math teacher, is a matter for all those who have no opinion, the mother was strict and very protective of her daughter who, (remember I am a country Students in possession of the very strict family, my mom, no way, other people a long beautiful daughter ah, our family is no kind of problem.) story takes place in this seemingly happy family, from one year's summer home the youngest daughter, 13-year-old Cecilia suicide attempts started. Which was shaken in a scene from the beginning was not long in the movie, Cecilia lying in a hospital bed after an attempted suicide, the
Doctors told her: "You know that life is not enough seasoned addition of a bad (You're not even old enough to know how bad life gets)." Cecilia replied: "Obviously, you have never been a 13-year-old Girls. "Perhaps because I have always had a tendency to kind of a bit cynical, so see the film, will make some sense. Do not know if the general idea is that girls mature earlier, or because boys are less focus on spiritual explored. There is a paragraph in the movie where four small boys in Cecilia's death to discuss his diary, referring to when they are still noisy when you want to rise to the attention of girls, they had like a woman disguised as a little girl, I knew love, and even death.
I think most people have such a feeling of rebellion period, feeling that he had no choice, such as being kept in a cage where a kind of feeling to be stifled and only want to grow up to be independent, to leave the prison itself place. Film remaining four sisters, eventually committing suicide to leave the cage. Film with another four crush on the Lisbon family of small boys 5 girls point of view this episode, with narration that they fell out 25 years ago, when the event occurs, memory. They are the first to discover the death of those girls who, but this is the secret of their hearts together. It is because of the death of these girls,
Some of their links with these girls, not just incident association, as well as psychological association. The love of a teenager, four small boys proved willing to plan when the hero to rescue the four beautiful women, Touna a mother, fill up the car keys, secretly went to Lisbon home, walking and imagined rescued 4 beautiful, the car ride on the highway, did not expect to see is a body. Even 25 years later, four people met even in the cocktail party chit-chat topic is still inseparable from the Lisbon sisters, even worked for 25 years, they are still not fully piece together what happened to the original
Cause and circumstances leading to. In the film's end, the most unacceptable daughters to commit suicide, then her mother, she muttered to himself to say that we gave her daughter a lot of love, our family full of love ...
The film is very short, only a half-hour story is not complicated to say only at that age, little girls who's Obsession, fantasy girl with feelings, some people grow up, look back at that time itself, and afterwards I just felt silly. Some people get out of taking extreme measures to escape, no chance to turn back to view the decision at that time.
第1个回答  2010-03-01
In a small town in Michigan, a pair of husband and wife have five beautiful daughters, the father is the school's math teacher, is a matter for all those who have no opinion, the mother was strict and very protective of her daughter who, (remember I am a country Students in possession of the very strict family, my mom, no way, other people a long beautiful daughter ah, our family is no kind of problem.) story takes place in this seemingly happy family, from one year's summer home the youngest daughter, 13-year-old Cecilia suicide attempts started. Which was shaken in a scene from the beginning was not long in the movie, Cecilia lying in a hospital bed after an attempted suicide, the doctor said to her: "You know that life is not enough seasoned addition of a bad (You're not even old enough to know how bad life gets). "Cecilia replied:" Obviously, you have never been a 13-year-old girl. "Perhaps because I have always had a tendency to kind of a bit cynical, so to see the film, will make some sense. Do not know if the general idea is that girls mature earlier, or because boys are less focus on spiritual explored. There is a paragraph in the movie where four small boys in Cecilia's death to discuss his diary, referring to when they are still noisy when you want to rise to the attention of girls, they had like a woman disguised as a little girl, I knew love, and even death.

I think most people have such a feeling of rebellion period, feeling that he had no choice, such as being kept in a cage where a kind of feeling to be stifled and only want to grow up to be independent, to leave the prison itself place. Film remaining four sisters, eventually committing suicide to leave the cage. Film with another four crush on the Lisbon family of small boys 5 girls point of view this episode, with narration that they fell out 25 years ago, when the event occurs, memory. They are the first to discover the death of those girls who, but this is the secret of their hearts together. It is because of the death of these girls, their links with some of these girls, not just incident association, as well as psychological association. The love of a teenager, four small boys proved willing to plan when the hero to rescue the four beautiful women, Touna a mother, fill up the car keys, secretly went to Lisbon home, walking and imagined rescued 4 beautiful, the car ride on the highway, did not expect to see is a body. Even 25 years later, four people met even in the cocktail party chit-chat topic is still inseparable from the Lisbon sisters, even worked for 25 years, they still can not be a complete piece together the reasons and circumstances leading to happen. In the film's end, the most unacceptable daughters to commit suicide, then her mother, she muttered to himself to say that we gave her daughter a lot of love, our family full of love ...

The film is very short, only a half-hour story is not complicated to say only at that age, little girls who's Obsession, fantasy girl with feelings, some people grow up, look back at that time itself, and afterwards I just felt silly. Some people can not get out to take extreme measures to escape, no chance to go back to view the decision made then.
第2个回答  2010-03-01
That a small town , a pair of husband and wife in Michigan have beautiful five daughters , fathers is the school mathematics teacher, is that the person , mother not having an idea to all things are is strict, people who protects a daughter very much, (remember my home tube being in the same school in the country's is very strict , my mummy says , has no choice but, long person every family daughter beauty Oh, this right away does not perplex our family). From this point of view happy family happened in the story, from some summer for 1 year, the youngest daughter of home, the 13-year-old Cecilias would-be suicide begins. A segment of dialogue being shocked inside very much is to begin how long to in less than in film , Cecilia a would-be suicide queen lies on hospital sickbed , the doctor says to her: `You are not enough experienced how too bad life (You' re not even old enough to know how bad life gets) to know. 'The Cecilia answer says: `Very obviously, you do not have the girl student who should go over 13-year-old all along. 'Probably see this film because of I have that a little bit misanthropic inclination , reason why from childhood right away, some feeling of meeting. Do not know being precocity because of the girl student tries to compare commonly , still being tier of investigation and discussion soft and floury because of the boy student does not attach importance to a spirit comparatively. Have one passage to be young four boy students diary discussing him after death in Cecilia within film, when mentioning paying attention to thinking that they want to arouse a girl student as early as making noise, already, they resemble the young girl student who is that the woman pretends to be accomplished , already know love , are to die even. I think that the most of people It both such feeling , thinks that self does not choose in rebellious period , seem to be closed within bonds, some kind of the feeling needing to stifle, hope that self grows up quickly only to being able to be independent , leave this keeping self place in captivity. Four sisters who to go in film, the at last comes to leave this bonds also with suicide. The angle small boy student with four falling in love with five work Lisbon family girl students's secretly besides reads this entire matter in film , uses aside to but state the memory that they pawn in the front in 25 when the event happens. They are that the first discovers these girls' death person , this is their at heart common secret but. Also because of the death writing these girls, their and these girl concatenates a little bit, not being only upper correlation of event , still have upper correlation of mentality. Feeling deeply attached to when being more than ten-year-old, young four boy students finally pluck up courage intending to think that the hero needs to come to rescue this four beautiful women , steal oily vehicle key from Jiaman who has held mother , run away covertly arriving Lisbon home, walking as well as driving to gallop on the express highway after fantasy work saves four beautiful women, not having thought seeing that is a corpse. Even if four people meets after 25, even if being a party in the cocktail, the topic of conversation chatting can't be seprated from Lisbon my sisters as before, even if having made great efforts 25, their cause having no way as before entirely knocking together out a thing happening and beginning and end. In the film at last, can not accept daughters most, accommodating oneself to committing suicide has been mother , she has mumbled to self to say we have given a daughter many love , we have been full of love at home, This film is short, only when a half hour , story line are neither complicated, Obsession small girl students also only in that age speaking,with the dream young girl feelings, some people is looked at back after growing up at that time self , feel like foolishness after the event. Some people cannot step off , adopts exceeding means to succeed in escaping, do not have a chance turning about to view decision that time. =
第3个回答  2010-03-01
In a small town in Michigan, a pair of husband and wife have five beautiful daughters, the father is the school's math teacher, is a matter for all those who have no opinion, the mother was strict and very protective of her daughter who, (remember I am a country Students in possession of the very strict family, my mom, no way, other people a long beautiful daughter ah, our family is no kind of problem.) story takes place in this seemingly happy family, from one year's summer home the youngest daughter, 13-year-old Cecilia suicide attempts started. Which was shaken in a scene from the beginning was not long in the movie, Cecilia lying in a hospital bed after an attempted suicide, the doctor said to her: "You know that life is not enough seasoned addition of a bad (You're not even old enough to know how bad life gets). "Cecilia replied:" Obviously, you have never been a 13-year-old girl. "Perhaps because I have always had a tendency to kind of a bit cynical, so to see the film, will make some sense. Do not know if the general idea is that girls mature earlier, or because boys are less focus on spiritual explored. There is a paragraph in the movie where four small boys in Cecilia's death to discuss his diary, referring to when they are still noisy when you want to rise to the attention of girls, they had like a woman disguised as a little girl, I knew love, and even death.

I think most people have such a feeling of rebellion period, feeling that he had no choice, such as being kept in a cage where a kind of feeling to be stifled and only want to grow up to be independent, to leave the prison itself place. Film remaining four sisters, eventually committing suicide to leave the cage. Film with another four crush on the Lisbon family of small boys 5 girls point of view this episode, with narration that they fell out 25 years ago, when the event occurs, memory. They are the first to discover the death of those girls who, but this is the secret of their hearts together. It is because of the death of these girls, their links with some of these girls, not just incident association, as well as psychological association. The love of a teenager, four small boys proved willing to plan when the hero to rescue the four beautiful women, Touna a mother, fill up the car keys, secretly went to Lisbon home, walking and imagined rescued 4 beautiful, the car ride on the highway, did not expect to see is a body. Even 25 years later, four people met even in the cocktail party chit-chat topic is still inseparable from the Lisbon sisters, even worked for 25 years, they still can not be a complete piece together the reasons and circumstances leading to happen. In the film's end, the most unacceptable daughters to commit suicide, then her mother, she muttered to himself to say that we gave her daughter a lot of love, our family full of love ...

The film is very short, only a half-hour story is not complicated to say only at that age, little girls who's Obsession, fantasy girl with feelings, some people grow up, look back at that time itself, and afterwards I just felt silly. Some people can not get out to take extreme measures to escape, no chance to go back to view the decision made then. =
第4个回答  2010-03-14
ayti irtya iaurwet yiaureytuiarey iauer taieurt y ariutyreyt raeiutyaer traeiutyr treuity ,yrt iuwety,ewytr7 ewyttw48ty uwytiuetyruilkj jklfdjg zslhg szl irl rhyturfuz ur rouzs urzt uoszrt uoztzoutyzruoy rtusoityrzyt r toruiytzrut ru ytzluirt zliytzli tyilurztzr tr zry irzl!
第5个回答  2010-03-05
小故事: 很多年前, 一个爸爸和一个妈妈想休假,所以他们决定晚上去城镇。他们叫来最信任一个人来照看孩子。当保姆来的时候,他们的连个孩子已经在床上睡着了。所以保姆只是看了看孩子是否睡的好,就坐下了。




