what time....和how often都怎么回答?


what time 是问的具体时间,例如:what time do you get up? what time is it? 回答就是直接说什么时间就行,例如: I get up at 6 o'clock. It's 7:30 now.
how often 问的是频率,就像 how often do you eat out? 回答时要用一些频度副词,就像usually, always等, 也可以用 three times a week, twice one day等。例如,I eat out three times one week.
但这里要注意一下对划线部分提问的情况,例句: I go to see my grandpa four times a month. 如果划线部分是整个“four times a month”的话,就要用“how often”提问,因为这是问的频率。如果划的只是“four times”,没有后面的“a month”,那就得用how many times a month do you...来回答,因为这样问的是次数,不是频率。
第1个回答  2010-01-30
what time问的是具体时间:例如:你每天早上几点吃饭?What time do you have lunch every morning?回答:7:00
how often是对频度副词提问:例如:你多久换一次眼镜?How often do you change your glasses?回答:1year
第2个回答  2010-02-10
What time是只比较具体的时间,而how often是指频率。
例如:What time do you go to school?
答:I go to school on 7:25.

How often do you go to school?
I usually go to school from Monday to Friday.
第3个回答  2021-04-17

Vicki:How was your weekend, Ron?Ron: So bad.Vicki: What’s the matter? You look not very well.Ron: Well, I hurt myself when I played soccer.Vicki: What happened? Did you fall down?Ron: Yes.
