pass down造句简单


第1个回答  2023-06-24

Pass down双语例句如下:

1.Pass down the tradition to future generations.将传统传承给下一代。

2.The skill has been passed down from generation to generation.这项技能已经代代相传。

3.It's important to pass down the knowledge of our ancestors.把我们祖先的知识传承下去非常重要。

4.The story was passed down by word of mouth.这个故事是口口相传的。

5.The legacy was passed down through the family.这份遗产通过家族传承下来了。

6.The tradition of making pottery has been passed down in this village for centuries.村里制陶的传统已经传承了几个世纪。

7.My grandmother passed down her recipe for apple pie to me.我奶奶把她的苹果派食谱传给了我。

8.The importance of hard work was passed down from my father.我的父亲把勤劳的重要性传承给了我。

9.The values of honesty and integrity were passed down through the generations.诚实和正直的价值观被世世代代传承下来。

10.The responsibility of caring for the environment must be passed down to future generations.保护环境的责任必须传承给下一代。
