

1. 春天,百花盛开。只有月季花还有累累花苞,过了一周、两周到了夏季它才慢慢盛开。
2. 说起月季花呀,我家门前就有许多株呀!我家门前的月季花的颜色有红色的、有白色的,有一次我帮奶奶剪花枝,结果一不小心就被月季花的刺给划了一下子。月季花的茎是墨绿色的,花儿的叶子是暗红色的。别人家的月季花我估计都得二米了吧!他们可能很长时间没剪枝了吧?秋天的时候工作人员都把树枝剪秃了,
3. 我看着真好笑,它就像一位没了头发的老爷爷。
4. 秋天的时候工作人员都把树枝剪秃了,我看着真好笑,它就像一位没了头发的老爷爷。
5. 我外婆家的门前有一棵棵小小的月季花树,树上长满了红红的,小小的月季花,特别美丽。它的茎很长,茎上长满了绿绿的,小小的刺,要是想摘它,你的手会被刺到的,它的花瓣红红的,大大的,它的叶子绿绿的,和红花配在一起显得很有活力。有的才展开二三片花瓣,有的全展开了,有的是花骨朵看起来饱胀得马上就要破裂似的。
6. 秋天的时候工作人员都把树枝剪秃了,我看着真好笑,它就像一位没了头发的老爷爷。
As the autumn arrives, the gardeners trim the rosebushes, leaving them bald. It's quite comical, as they seem to resemble old gentlemen who have lost their hair.
7. 我家的阳台上有一盆月季花,红红的花瓣,墨绿的叶子。我非常喜欢它,每天都要去看看它有没有开出的花来。我家的月季花很香,香得令人心旷神怡,我没有走到阳台上都能闻到这股香味。花的形状各式各样:有的已经盛开了,像一位喜悦的新娘子;有的才展开几片花瓣,花朵朝上,好像想长快点儿;有的还是花骨朵儿,像一个羞答答的小姑娘。它的叶子像锯齿似的。花枝上长着很多刺,好像在说:“别碰我,小心我把你刺得哇哇大叫。”这盆鲜艳的月季花给我家的阳台增添了许多生机
On my home balcony, there is a pot of rose that I adore. With its bright red petals and dark green leaves, it is a joy to behold. The fragrance of the rose is so delightful that I can smell it even before reaching the balcony. The flowers come in various shapes: some have fully bloomed, resembling a bride overflowing with joy; others are just beginning to unfurl a few petals, facing upwards as if they are eager to grow faster; and some are still buds, blushing like shy young girls. The leaves are like jagged teeth. The branches are covered in thorns, as if to say, "Don't touch me or you'll regret it!" This vibrant rose adds much vitality to my balcony.
8. 月季花的茎是绿色的,靠近土壤的地方较粗,如果你仔细观察,你会发现茎上还长着一根根小刺,它们好像妈妈一样,保护着月季花的安全和健康。
The stems of the rosebushes are green, with a thicker base near the soil. If you look closely, you'll see that the stems are covered in small thorns, much like a mother protecting her children. They act as a safeguard for the safety and well-being of the rosebushes.
9. 月季花的叶呈椭圆形,在边缘处处长着软软的小刺,好像锯一样。它们挨挨挤挤,层层叠叠,非常茂盛。叶子有深绿的,有墨绿的,有浅绿的,还有黄绿的……它们绿得那么鲜艳,那么可爱。
The leaves of the rose are elliptical in shape, with soft thorns along the edges, resembling saws. They are crowded closely together, layer upon layer, creating a lush growth. The leaves range in color from deep green to dark green, from light green to yellow-green... They are so vibrant and adorable in their greenness.
10. 最引人注意的是月季花了,花冠有大有小,大的好像小孩的拳头,小的却只有五角钱硬币那么大。夕阳红色的花瓣如丝绸般柔滑,密密簇拥着花蕊,好好像几位亭亭玉立的美少女。
The most eye-catching are the roses themselves, with petals of varying sizes. The large ones resemble a child's fist, while the smallest are no bigger than a five-cent coin. The sunset-red petals are as soft as silk, closely surrounding the stigma, much like several graceful young ladies standing tall.
11. 一阵风吹来,月季花一边散发着淡淡的清香,一边翩翩起舞,好好像把它的所有美都展现给我们看。
As the wind blows, the roses dance gracefully, emitting a faint fragrance, as if to showcase all their beauty to us.
12. 我们学校有一个大花呗,里面全是月季花。花开的时候很美,香气弥漫整个校园。
Our school has a large flower bed filled with roses. When they bloom, they are stunning, and their fragrance fills the entire campus.
13. 月季花真好看啊!不知同学们喜欢月季花吗?
Roses are indeed beautiful! I wonder if my classmates enjoy them as much as I do.
14. 盼呀,盼呀,今天早晨,我家的月季花终于开了!去年,妈妈从幼儿园移来一棵月季,把它栽在花盆里。刚移来的时候花株还很小,经过妈妈的精心管理,不久就枝繁叶茂了。
I eagerly awaited it, and this morning, my home's rose finally bloomed! Last year, my mother transplanted a rose from the kindergarten and planted it in a pot. When it first arrived, the plant was tiny, but with my mother's careful nurturing, it soon grew lush and dense.
15. 有一天早晨,我忽然发现月季的茎上绽出四个小小的花蕾,花蕾穿着一件绿色的外衣。
One morning, I suddenly noticed that four small buds had appeared on the rose stem, wearing a green coat.
16. 又经过了几天,花蕾顶破了外衣,露出粉红色的花瓣。最外层的花瓣向外伸展,里面的几层花瓣却还紧紧地合拢在一起,渐渐地,层层舒展。
After a few more days, the buds burst out of their coats, revealing pink petals. The outermost petals extended outward, while the inner layers remained tightly closed, gradually unfurling layer by layer.
17. 现在,整朵月季终于展开了!花是粉红色的,像一个穿着粉红色衣裙的少女,绿叶红花被晨光一照,又像一只粉红色的蝴蝶在微风中扑翅膀。扑鼻的清香洒满了整个房间。
Now, the entire rose has finally bloomed! The flower is pink, like a young girl dressed in a pink gown, with green leaves and red flowers illuminated by the morning light, also resembling a pink butterfly fluttering in the breeze. The delightful fragrance fills the entire room.
18. 我经常给它浇水,它喝完后,叶子变得更嫩更绿了,花开的越来越红。风儿一吹月季花,好像在对我说话:“谢谢你给我浇水让我越来越美!”
I often water it, and after it drinks up, the leaves become even softer and greener, and the flowers open up redder. When the wind blows, the rose seems to be speaking to me, "Thank you for watering me, making me more beautiful!"
19. 我家的月季花很香,香