
" 谢谢你这么久以来的关心和支持.真是太谢谢了! 我永远都不会忘记在我最失落的时候是你从地狱里把我拉了出来! 谢谢!

Thank you for your care and support all this time. I really appreciate it! I will never forget that you were the one who pulled me out of hell at the most depressing time of my life. Thanks!
第1个回答  2009-12-26
thanks for just being there for me and supporting me all the time!i 'll never forget that it's you who helped me out of the hell when i was in despair....
第2个回答  2009-12-26
Thanks for your help and support all this time.I 'll never forget that it's you who helped me get out of the hell when i was in despair....
第3个回答  2009-12-26
I appreciate your care and support fp so long .Thank you so much!I will never forget that it was you who pulled me up from the hell when I was most disappointed.I owe you an appreciate!

