饥饿游戏3中女主角说的话 “ 如果大火将我们毁灭,你会与我们一同灭亡! ” 这句台词原句英文怎么

饥饿游戏3中女主角说的话 “ 如果大火将我们毁灭,你会与我们一同灭亡! ” 这句台词原句英文怎么说的?不要翻译出来的,希望是电影原句,拜托拜托

K:Help them!Help them,keep them out!
C:Katniss?Katniss,can you tell everone what did you see right now.
Ketnise,what did you wanna say?
K:I wanna the rebels to know that i’m alive,And i’m in District eight,what the capital just bomb up a hospitol full of wounded man,wemon and children,there be no servivers.
If you think,for one second that the capital whatever treat us fairly?You are lying to yourself,Because we know who they are,and what they do.This is what they do!And we must fight back!
I have a massage for president Snow:You can tortura us,and bomb us,and burn our district to the ground,But do you see that?Frie is catching,And if we burn,you burn with us!
第1个回答  推荐于2016-03-24
If we burn,you burn with me
第2个回答  2015-02-11
if we burn,you will burn with us
第3个回答  2015-02-11
if we burned, you burned with us.
第4个回答  2015-02-17
If we burn, you burn with us!