

1-5 BAACB 6-10 CDBCB
11-15 ACDCB 16-20 ABBDD
21-25 BCCBA 26-30 CDDBC
31-35 DBABD 36-40 DACDA
41-45 CDDCD 46-50 BABAD
51-55 DGFBE
56. Because she was the target of a bully. / Because she was hurt by a bully.
57. Better than many others’.
58. In a loving family.
59. Stopping feeling sorry for herself.
60. To help her get rid of her self-pity. / To encourage her.
61. ... on my nightclothes! on → in
62. ... make mistake ...
mistake → mistakes
63. Unluckily, accidents ...
Unluckily → Luckily
64. ... sense of humorous ...
humorous → humor
65. ... you would do ... would → should
66. ... incident happens.
happens → happened
67. ... correct problem.
68. ... think too much more ...
69. ... embarrassed incidents.
embarrassed → embarrassing
70. ... always think about ...
think → thinking
One possible version:
Good morning, my dear friends,
Having a dream is of great importance to everyone. If you have a dream, you will have great inner motivation to work hard. There'll be difficulties or failures, but they will make your life more colorful and valuable.
My dreams are ordinary and realistic. I hope I will be admitted into a top university and become a good doctor after graduation. I hope one day I can find a cure for cancer. I hope those that love me and that I love will be healthy and happy every day.
To realize my dreams, not only will I take more exercise to build up my body, but also I will try my best to study hard.
Thank you.
1. B。either … or… 用于对两事物进行选择,意为“要么……要么……”。
2. A。设空处引导宾语从句且在从句中作宾语,故选whatever。
3. A。由第二句可知,wish后的宾语从句表示的是与过去事实相反的愿望,故选hadn’t eaten。
4. C。由“但是就小说写作来说,耐心就是一切”可知,这名小说家并非天生(by nature)就是一个耐心的人。
5. B。guide与explain之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,且explain所表示的动作与told所表示的动作同时发生,故选explaining。
6. C。题意:简只要(As long as)保持现在的速度,她就能轻松赢得比赛。
7. D。由前一句可知,后一句表示提供意见或建议,故选Shall。
8. B。interview与candidates之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,且由yesterday可知interview所表示的动作已完成,故选interviewed。
9. C。主句用了一般过去时,故从句也需用过去时,且从句主语是不定式短语,故选was。
10. B。因为对方周末要同英国队进行一场比赛,故答语用Good luck(祝好运)。
11. A。由上文的You can win可知,其他人不如你“优秀(good)”。
12. C。由上文的This is not the best way of thinking及下文避免和他人作比较的几点原因可推断,此处是说“改变(change)”和他人比较的思维方式有很多原因。
13. D。通读全文可知,本文反对把自己和他人作比较,提倡“只(only)”和自己比较。
14. C。此处是指“避免(avoid)”将自己和他人作比较的第一个原因。
15. B。“人外有人”这个道理无论在哪个方面都总是“正确的(true)”。
16. A。由本段末的good at designing buildings可知,此处指“建筑师(architect)”。
17. B。作为一名最好的建筑师会使你感到极其“骄傲(proud)”。
18. B。19. D。如果有一天某人比你做得更好,你会感到“难过(sad)”,尽管你“仍然(still)”擅长建筑设计。
20. D。此处是说避免这种“比较(comparison)”的第二个原因。
21. B。由下文的This of course can make you feel good以及最后一段中的feel less or more than others可知,此处应填worse。
22. C。发现他人不如自己带来的良好感觉可能变成一种“可怕的(horrible)”骄傲心理。
23. C。由上文的if you are the second best student in your class和下文的you will then be the best one可推断,此处是假设某一天最好的学生“离开(leaves)”学校。
24. B。第一名离开后,作为第二名的你将变成第一名,“尽管(although)”你仍然和原来一样优秀。
25. A。由转折连词but可推断,第三点原因虽然是最后一点但却是最“重要的(important)”原因。
26. C。由下文的We may do the same things as them, and act and think like them too可推断,和他人作比较会使我们“模仿(copy)”他人。
27. D。模仿他人会使我们永远不知道自己“实际上(really)”是谁。
28. D。由于以上的原因,并且因为我们都是“独一无二的(unique)”,所以我们不应该和别人作比较。
29. B。30. C。不和他人作比较,我们就不会感觉不如他人或优于他人,也会从内心“接受(accept)”自我。“换言之(In other words)”,我们就会更快乐。
本文是记叙文。文章讲述了Doreen Luke在二战爆发后积极参战的故事。
31. D。细节理解题。由第一段中的had just begun work ... in a department store selling clothing and household goods可知。
32. B。推理判断题。由第二段中的she was eager to become involved with the war effort in a more direct way及Many of my friends were joining the Forces可推断,Doreen之所以焦躁不安是因为她迫不及待地想参军。
33. A。细节理解题。由最后一段中的I didn't realize ... that I was going to be a part of a very secret establishment. In fact I didn't know that until fifty years after the war可知。
34. B。文章出处题。文章主要讲述了Doreen Luke在二战时期奋勇参战的经历。故B项正确。
35. D。写作手法题。由第三段中的I've found out from experience that ... The time I sent an instant email ... 可知,本段中作者主要通过描述个人经历说明自己的观点。
36. D。细节理解题。作者在第四段提到连环杀手主要是为了说明前两句Are the thoughts you think and the things you imagine things that you should follow through? Not always,由此可知答案。
37. A。细节理解题。由第六段中的I think this is what people mean when they say it. It's the word “soul”可知。
38. C。推理判断题。由最后一段中的feed it with the right things ... constantly feeding himself with inspirational thoughts, useful information, self-improvement books and resources可推断,作者建议读者通过自我学习努力做一个有智慧的人。
39. D。词义猜测题。由第一段中的The dusty wasteland around the village is brown及But there are no crops or cattle ... disappear into the burning wind可知,因遭受旱灾,村庄周围变成一片荒地,不能耕种农作物也不能饲养牛群。据此可推断,Jay Salaya介绍这些田地时是很绝望的。
40. A。推理判断题。由第二段末的The government started to build a water tank for us five years ago but it was never done及第三段中的he faces growing criticism ... crisis可推断,印度民众不满政府处理水资源危机所作的努力。
41. C。细节理解题。由第四段的Due to the effects of the drought, many farmers are already heavily in debt可知。
42. D。细节理解题。由最后一段首句So far the water shortage has not hurt the towns. Jamnagar is still ... full of produce可知,介绍Jamnagar的交通情况是为了说明目前水资源短缺尚未影响到城镇。
43. D。推理判断题。由第一部分中的Fully waterproof以及Luci is ready for ... anywhere, and any weather可知,这款灯有防水功能,且能在任何地方、任何天气情况下使用,所以在户外甚至是雨天也可以使用。
44. C。细节理解题。由第二部分所讲的步骤可知,在使用Luci灯的过程中,应先打开它的太阳能板接收阳光充电,接着打开阀门充气,待气充满时封住阀门,再把阀门按下去,最后摁按钮即可使用。
45. D。细节理解题。由第三部分中的第一段可知,这款灯主要是解决一些发展中国家没有可靠电力来源的人们的照明问题。
46. B。细节理解题。由第三部分第二段中的Solar Justice以及倒数第二句可知,MPOWERD研制的太阳能产品是环保的。
47. A。推理判断题。由第二段第一、二句可知,公众支持Milloy的专栏文章。
48. B。推断理解题。第三段提到了作者认为骑自行车的和开车的都有好的和不好的行为,言外之意是不是所有骑自行车的人都有不好的行为,第五段谈论了自行车的优点,由此推断,作者对自行车和骑自行车的人都持客观的态度。
49. A。推理判断题。本段第二句提到“只想让使用道路的人进行公平、礼貌的沟通”,由此推断,作者在本句中想表明“现在不再关注上一段所提到的自行车的优点了”,想要开始新一轮的论述。故此处that指“自行车的优点”。
50. D。主旨大意题。从全文看,作者建议开车的人和骑自行车的人之间应该停止相互指责,商讨一种共存的解决方案。

1. C。推理判断题。由第二段中Herb Kohl 所说的I believe they are the right people and the right fit at the right time可以推断,他对这次收购比较满意。
2. B。细节理解题。由第三段中的won the bid in part because of their commitment to keep the team in Wisconsin及第四段中的Kohl, a Wisconsin native, bought the team 29 years ago, and said he was committed to keeping it in his home state可知,Herb Kohl希望把球队卖给不把它搬出威斯康星州的人。
3. C。细节理解题。由第四段开头的Lasry runs Avenue Capital together with his sister, Sonia Gardner, and Edens co-founded Fortress Investment Group可知,Lasry 和Edens现在经营两家不同的公司。
4. B。段落大意题。倒数第二段是对倒数第三段Lasry and Edens now join a growing list of Wall Street billionaires who have turned their love of sports into team ownerships的进一步说明,具体介绍华尔街精英购买体育运动队的例子。
5. D。标题归纳题。文章首段点明本篇新闻报道的主题:华尔街对冲基金巨头购买密尔沃基雄鹿队。