
悬赏分:0 - 提问时间2009-11-11 19:53
悬赏分:0 - 离问题结束还有 4 天 15 小时
1. Many married men always abandon their wives when they are success.(abandon)
2. I can't abide 脾气暴躁的男人/大男子主义男人/笨男人。(abide)
3. His 思想 is absolutely wrong.他的思想是绝对错误的。(absolutely)
4. 娶老婆就是为了性和传种接代这种思想是非常愚蠢和落后的。(absurd)
5. He has abundant soicy appiearence.他有丰富的社会经验。(abundant )
6. I get a further education at STUV.我在进修电大。(get a further education )
7. 我们两家人家合租了一套两室两厅的电梯房。(rent)
8. I often by the frozen 鸡中翅 at the surpermarket.(frozen )
9. This room is very small ,only 11平方,furthermore,朝向也不好。(furthermore)
10. 用 further charge 造句,further charge 是追补价款
[email protected]

1. Many husbands abandon their wives when they succeed in their career.
2. I cannot abide. (书面不能用缩写形式)
3. His belief is absolutely wrong.
4. It is absurd and out-dated to think that marrying a woman is just for the sex and reproduction.
5. He has abundant social experiences.
6. I am studying for { 学位 }degree in STUV.
7. We, the two families, rented an apartment with two bedrooms together. (一般说房子的时候不用说两室,因为大部分房子都有两室。)
8. I often buy frozen chicken-wings at the supermarket.
9. This room is very small with only 11 square meters; furthermore, the direction it is facing is not ideal.
10. Many advertisement on TV further charge you after you mailed in your initial amount of money.

They are generally good...
Continue to work hard, believe in yourself, you will do well.
第1个回答  2009-12-03
Many husbands abandon their wives when they succeed in their career.
2. I cannot abide. (书面不能用缩写形式)
3. His belief is absolutely wrong.
4. It is absurd and out-dated to think that marrying a woman is just for the sex and reproduction.
5. He has abundant social experiences.
6. I am studying for { 学位 }degree in STUV.
7. We, the two families, rented an apartment with two bedrooms together. (可用这样的两室)
8. I often buy frozen chicken-wings at the supermarket.
9. This room is very small with only 11 square meters; furthermore, the direction it is facing is not ideal.
10. Many advertisement on TV further charge you after you mailed in your initial amount of money.

They are generally good...
Continue to work hard, believe in yourself, you will do well