
China is now facing increasing pressure to control the spread of A/H1N1 flu over the next two months. The Ministry of Health says that, with the New Year and Spring Festival drawing near, the country is anticipating a huge domestic travel volume.

In the meantime, A/H1N1 continues to cast a wide net. The number of incidences, especially serious cases, is still rising. Seasonal flu reaches a peak in December and January. A/H1N1 could follow the same pattern. The Health Ministry plans to speed up the pace of vaccinations. Currently, about one million people are vaccinated per day. The number is expected to reach 1.5 million daily shots before the Spring Festival. The total number of confirmed A/H1N1 cases on the mainland has topped 100-thousand, and more than 300 people have died.

Liang Wannian, Deputy Director of Health Ministry Emer. Reaction Office, said, "We are expecting mass migrations in the three months of December, January, and February, as it is the time for New Year and Spring Festival celebrations. During mass migrations, the virus can easily be spread to unaffected places, just like a fire."


同时,甲流继续扩大。发病人数,特别是严重的病例 ,仍在上升。季节性流感在12月和1月会达到高峰。甲流可以遵循相同的模式。卫生部计划,加快疫苗的步伐。目前,每天大约有100万人接种。这个数字春节前有望达到每天150万。目前大陆甲流病例人数已超过10万人,死亡人数超过300人。


最后一段的迁移指的是春运返乡之类的活动 实在不知道用什么词好了 呵呵
第1个回答  2009-12-12