

deadly 普通用词,指极为可能致命的或致死的。
1) A single leakage of a radioactive substance, however tiny, can be deadly /fatal, so extreme caution must be exercised. 放射性物质泄漏, 无论多么少量,都可能是致命的,因此必须高度谨慎。
2) The cyclist was knocked down by a lorry and received a deadly injury. 骑车人被一辆卡车撞倒,受了致命的伤。
fatal 指可能导致或已经导致死亡的,也可表示一事对另一事是毁灭性的或灾难性的。
Diarrhea is one of the most common fatal childhood dieseases worldwide. 痢疾是世界范围内儿童常见致死疾病之一。
lethal 只用于指确定能致死的事物,如 lethal gas (毒气)、lethal dose (致命剂量)。

1) Health authorities fear that this strain could cause a new lethal flu pandemic. 卫生部门担心这种菌株会引起新的致命流感流行。
2) Dozens of people queue in hot sun outside to return milk powder that could be contaminated with a potentially lethal chemical.
mortal 正式用词,用法类同fatal,可换用。mortal 的名词是mortality,较death正式,常指“死亡率”或“死亡数目”。
1) Particulate air pollution is closely associated with cardiovascular mortality and morbidity.
2) The new device has a mortal /fatal flaw: it will cease functioning at an extremely high temperature.

3)Infant mortality(death rate)is still very high in some developing countries.