
“我国城市房屋拆迁的合法性探讨。地方政府在经营城市的目标下,大张旗鼓的进行旧房改造,而原土地上的居民被以低廉的成本进行安置,由此引出了“驱贫引富”的议论。城市化目标,应该是建立体现人民选择意愿、保障大多数人福祉的“人民城市”,而不是在强行剥夺人民利益后堆砌而成的政绩城市和专为取悦外来投资者而建的招商城市。本文首先从土地征收和房屋拆迁的过程角度指出我国土地征收程序的缺陷,然后对我国城市房屋拆迁行为合法性进行了系统的探讨,并在此基础上提出几点看法和建议。 ”

"The legitimacy of Chinese urban house dismantlement. Local governments in the city, on the target, and the gap on the inhabitants of the land to be low cost, which led to" talk of "anti-poverty lead rich, should be the goal. Urbanization will choose a people, most people's happiness", rather than in the city "forcibly deprive people built after the interests of the achievements of the city and designed to please the investment to the foreign investors. This paper from the land and the house dismantlement in the process of land expropriation procedures, it points out the defects of our city, and then the behavior of house removal in the legitimacy of the system, and based on this, puts forward several Suggestions and opinions."