
Error #3: Your login session has expired.
Why does my session expire?
Login sessions expire for two reasons.

For your security, your Yahoo! Mail session expires a maximum of twenty-four hours after you have logged in. If you have chosen in your Yahoo! User Information (found be visiting "My Account" next to the Yahoo! Mail logo at the top of this page) to be prompted for a password more frequently than every day, your session will expire after the specified amount of time.
If you do not accept the cookies set on login or your computer is not configured to accept cookies, your session will expire almost immediately. We use cookies (small pieces of site information) to assist us in user authentication and in saving configuration information. Cookies are required for Yahoo! Mail.
If you see this message immediately after logging in, you should check the following:

Check to see that your computer system time is accurate. Cookies are time sensitive and may not work if your computer date is incorrect by a large amount.
Make sure that your browser is configured to accept cookies or that you agree to accept cookies during the login process.
Turn off any third party programs or control panels that automatically reject cookies.
Re-login to Yahoo! Mail

Check to see that your computer system time is accurate. Cookies are time sensitive and may not work if your computer date is incorrect by a large amount.
Make sure that your browser is configured to accept cookies or that you agree to accept cookies during the login process.
Turn off any third party programs or control panels that automatically reject cookies.
Re-login to Yahoo! Mail

回话有问题,他的提示主要是COOKIES的问题,他写的建议是检查你的系统日期,日期差距太大会造成这样的情况.确认你的浏览器支持COOKIE并且可以应用COOKIE(这个一般浏览器都默认支持,除非你改过什么).关闭任何第三方程序然后再次登陆YAHOO MAIL
第1个回答  2006-09-19
第2个回答  2006-09-19

