
在同学们的帮助下,他努力学习英语(work hard)
飞机飞得越高,我们越看不清楚(the higher...the less)
他体质差的原因是因为他不太注意饮食和休息(pay attention to)
一分耕耘一分收获(lead to )
水受热会变成蒸汽(turn into)
他发现写英语作文有很多困难(find difficulty in doing sth)

According to the reports,now there are many college students go to the west part of our country to work.

With the help of his classmates,he work hard on the English.

Peter,whose sister is a famous pianist,doesn't know that girl.

Whoever breaks the law should be punished.

The higher the plane flies,the less clear we can see.

The reason of his poor health is that he doesn't pay much attention to diet and rest.

These furniture is not worth preserving.

No pain no gain.No culivation leads to no harvest.

When water is heated,it will bu turn into steam.

He finds difficulty in writing English compositions.
第1个回答  2009-10-13
According to reports today, there are many college students go to the west to work (report)
In the students with the help of his efforts to learn English (work hard)
Peter did not know who girl, his sister was a famous pianist (whose)
Any illegal who should be punished (punish)
Aircraft fly higher, and we Yuekan do not know (the higher ... the less)
His physical because of poor diet and rest, he is not (pay attention to)
The furniture is not worth keeping (worth)
No pain no gain (lead to)
Water heating will be turned into steam (turn into)
He found that there are many difficulties in writing English essays (find difficulty in doing sth)
第2个回答  2009-10-13
1.it is report that there are mang collage students work in the south china today
2.with sthdents help ,he work english hard