
1)电子电路失效分析(FA)、新产品测试担当。分析产品测试中的缺陷,优化测试程序以缩短测试时间,熟悉锂聚合物电池(诺基亚 、NEC、联想、IBM、TOSHIBA)的各种测试和电路分析,熟悉电池的各种解析及相关仪器(电子显微镜、单空显微镜、电子高度仪,多功能示波器、多功能绘图仪、ESD静电设备,Vibration&Drop Test、电池容量/循环充放电测试电脑等设备)的操作使用。精通PWB架构,电子电路,会看线路图;了解电子元器件的使用和失效分析方法 。
2)日本或台湾的新机种引进试做。根据客户仕样书要求,做好新线原材料产品的部品纳入审查工作,与设备部门共同做好产线所需测试设备的调试,准备好各种作业检测治具,在规定的时间内按照作业标准书规格要求进行产品的试做,并尽可能优化制造过程,提高生产效率,降低生产成本。准备量产工艺资料(制作QC工程表,FMEA,工序卡)量产SOP,BOM审核和发行,生产制造技术图纸的确认,严格督促检查操作规程与工艺要求的执行情况。并对新产品进行物理及电气性能的各种测试(过充电,过放电,过电流保护,ESD的空气及接触放电,烘箱内温湿度测试,模拟落下震动测试,电池容量测试,信赖性实验等),最终提交整体报告给客户,保证最高的品质满足客户的要求。第一时间内处理好品质异常(发行PCN)。全程跟踪样品制作并及时修正错误工艺。解决产品生产过程中所出现的质量问题, 处理品质异常及品质改善产品的品质状况跟进,随线完成各项生产异常问题分析及对策改善,跟踪对策导入后之质量状况并完成新机种试产不良品的分析,记录各项问题点予以备案,并随时保持与公司各部门及客户之间的信息沟通。负责日常PACK部的锂电池的不良解析(熟悉锂电池正负极材料,半透膜等)日常的品质工程改善(均需接收客户、昆山能保公司监查)
4)新规部品(副资材)的进货导入审查,国内采购部品的样品确认及一部分产品的捆包图纸的制作(积极完成公司每年的COST SAVING PROJECT(年度原物料比/降价项目),通过“替代使用”及“成本降价”,为公司节省费用
接受过Six Sigma,CE、Pareto图等品管的七大手法、ISO9001/14001,PPAP,APQP等培训,公司ESD小组成员,负责ESD相关问题

  Work: new models Import / sample testing and analysis (PACK manufacturing technology sector)
  Where I plant is a production of mobile phones, laptops lithium-based batteries, PACK department mainly produces NOKIA, NEC, MOTOROLA, Sony Ericsson cell phone batteries and DELL, IBM, Toshiba laptop batteries, PSP batteries, digital camera batteries. I served PACK, director of the Department of Quality Technology Engineer, primarily responsible for:
  1) Electronic Circuit Failure Analysis (FA), the new product test play. Analysis of defects in product testing to optimize test procedures to shorten the test time, familiar with lithium-polymer battery (Nokia, NEC, Lenovo, IBM, TOSHIBA) of a variety of testing and circuit analysis, familiar with a variety of batteries and related analytical equipment (electronic microscopy, single-space microscopy, electronic altimeter, multi-function oscilloscope, multi-function plotter, ESD static equipment, Vibration & Drop Test, Battery capacity / cycle charge-discharge test computers and other equipment) of the operational use. Proficient in PWB architecture, electronic circuits, will see circuit diagram; understand the use of electronic components and failure analysis.
  2) The introduction of new models in Japan and Taiwan to try to do. Shi-written books based on customer requirements, work out a new line of raw materials, products, parts incorporated into the review, and equipment sector to make production-line test equipment required for debugging, ready to test a variety of operating jig, within the time prescribed in accordance with operating standards Book specifications for product trial so, and to optimize the manufacturing process, improve production efficiency, reduce production costs. Production processes to prepare data (production QC Engineering table, FMEA, process cards) production SOP, BOM review and distribution, manufacturing technical drawings confirmed, strict supervision and inspection requirements of operating procedures and process implementation. As well as new products, physical and electrical properties of the various tests (over charge, over discharge, over-current protection, ESD air and contact discharge, temperature and humidity inside the oven test, vibration tests simulate fall, battery capacity test, reliability test, etc. ), and submitted the final report to the customer, to ensure the highest quality to meet customer requirements. First time, the quality of exception handling (issue PCN). Sample tracking production process in a timely manner to correct their mistakes. Production in the process of resolving quality problems arise, handling exceptions and quality improvement of products quality, the quality status of follow-up, with the completion of the production-line problem analysis and countermeasures to improve the abnormal tracking of quality measures into the situation and after the completion of new models trial production of undesirable goods, analysis, documentation of the trouble spots to be the record, and stay with the company among the various departments and customer communication. Department responsible for the daily PACK adverse analytical lithium batteries (lithium batteries are familiar with the anode materials, semi-permeable film) works to improve the quality of their daily (required to receive customers, insurance companies will Kunshan Audit)
  3) the quality of the daily work of engineers, according to the ability to supervise the distribution of tasks and guidance to improve the efficiency of engineers to the Organization from time to time in the form of qualitative analysis to improve the quality of engineers to the convening of the meeting. Engineers responsible for checking and implementing improvements in the quality of the work plan for improving the implementation of the plan to monitor, and plans to improve the quality of engineers pooled analysis and assessment.
  4) The new regulations Components (Vice-materials) and review of purchasing imported and domestic parts procurement as part of the sample confirmation and strapping products, the production of drawings (positive completion of a company's annual COST SAVING PROJECT (compared with an annual raw material / price reduction projects), through the "alternative use" and "cost price cuts" for the company's cost-saving
  5) The customer back with the follow-up and daily goods, the Ministry of adverse PACK goods, the quality of a weekly summary of statistics. Benchmark by FA by means of circuit analysis and use 5M analysis found an adverse link Rootcause, for improving the implementation of the plan to supervise, so that improvement plans can be implemented as planned and timely to promote the relevant departments, persons responsible for the implementation of improvements to enhance The timely completion of the rate of improvement plan, effectively improve product quality. Suppliers of raw materials related to poor on a regular basis to track and to help suppliers deal with, until the meet the requirement. Request 8D reports, and track the implementation of, and so on.
  Have received Six Sigma, CE, Pareto diagrams of the seven quality control practices, ISO9001/14001, PPAP, APQP and other training, the company ESD team members, is responsible for ESD-related issues
