
是这样的,要做一个英文的关于中西方的FRIENDSHIP PATTERNS的异同的PPT

第1个回答  2009-10-11

Westerners are not expected to share treats that they have with their friends. It is not considered rude to buy a chocolate bar and then to eat it around other people.
Easterners consider it rude to not share treats with your friends. In a country where things like fruits and candy are rare, when one person has some, their friends share with them.

Group Dynamics
In a normal discussion, Westerners can interrupt each other. They tend to find silence uncomfortable in conversations.
Easterners do not generally interrupt each other. Especially in group discussions, there must be pauses if they are to feel comfortable volunteering their opinion. They are unlikely to ‘dive in’ to the conversation

Greetings and Goodbyes
“How’s it going ?” and “How are you ?” are common greetings that Westerners use. It is often just a greeting, and nothing more. It is not that they don’t care about your answer; they are simply saying hello. A good answer is ‘Not bad.’ Westerners also tend to leave conversations quicker than Easterners. If they get up and leave during a conversation, they are not necessarily offended or being rude.
Easterners tend to be more formal about ending a conversation. They expect some cues that the person they are speaking with is about to leave. It is considered rude to quickly withdraw from a conversation.

Equality between men and women is valued in the West. To imply that women are weaker, more emotional or that they need protection can be offensive.
Chivalry is still alive and well in the East. Many women expect doors to be opened for them, to be served first at dinner, and for help in carrying heavy things

Westerners resent being told what to do, or how to do it. Leaders in the West usually make their requests as questions instead of commands. For example, telling a Westerner “Go do the dishes”, even if you are the boss, will irritate them. “Could you help out with the dishes ?” will have the same effect, without them resenting you.
Authoritarian leadership is much more tolerated in the East, also in churches. Leadership is hierarchical, not team based. When an Easterner who is your boss orders you to do something, they aren’t necessarily power-tripping, they’re just trying to do their job.

Asking questions is very important in the West. The main way that people get to know each other is to ask questions about the other person. It is a way of showing interest in the other person. If they don’t want to answer, they will avoid the question, but are unlikely to be offended. Don’t be afraid to bring up questions or concerns.
Easterners are taught not to ask questions. They tend to get to know people more by spending time with them. If you do ask a personal question, you may have to ask several times before getting an answer. Easterners are less likely to complain about problems directly, but rather let it build up inside. There is a concern ‘not to be a pest’

Smoking and drinking are not considered sinful by most Westerners. Drinking is a part of a most Western parties.
Smoking, drinking and swearing are big no-nos in most Eastern Protestant churches. Alcohol in particular is a sensitive issue for many Easterners.

Westerners are not likely to invite people to join them when they get together to talk. If there is a group gathered, you are generally welcome to join, even if they don’t invite you. If they are speaking quietly, or don’t look up and greet you, it is probably a private conversation
Easterners’ social get-togethers usually involve an invitation. Unless explicitly invited to a gathering many Easterners won’t feel welcome just showing up.

Westerners do not take their work as personally as Easterners tend to. It is not that they don’t care about their work. They are more relaxed about their jobs.
Easterners tend to take their work personally. Tromping across their freshly cleaned floor, or showing up late when you are to be working with them can be seen as disrespectful.

Westerners tend to be more honest about their skills, and to value a high self-esteem. They are not necessarily being arrogant if they openly admit that they are good at something.
Easterners are less likely to volunteer their talents. They will wait for someone to ask them to use their skills, rather than jumping in and volunteering them.

Westerners have grown up with more money than is needed for their basic needs. They don’t usually consider themselves rich, and not trying to flaunt their wealth. Westerners have a less serious attitude about money and will often spend it on luxuries.
Money is often a sensitive issue for Easterners. Many are here on scholarships, and are saving their pocket money to send back home. They often perceive that we take our relatively abundant cash flow for granted.

Westerners can have affectionate guy-girl friendships without any romantic interest. Be cautious in assuming a Westerner is romantically interested, even if their behaviour appears intimate. If you’re not kissing or holding hands, you’re probably not dating.
Easterners tend to have a much lower threshold of what is considered a relationship. What Westerners might consider a normal guy-girl friendship can be read as definite interest in the other person. In particular, spending time alone with someone of the opposite sex is a strong sign of interest.

You are probably more critical of your own language skills than Westerners are. Don’t be afraid to make lots of mistakes; Westerners won’t mind.
Its easy to speak too quickly and to use slang which has the effect of excluding Easterners. Typical conversation topics like sports and television are outside the knowledge base of most Easterners.

Friendships I
Westerners place a high value on having fun. This doesn’t mean that they don’t care about serious issues. If they see someone upset, they will often assume that the person wants to be left alone, unless they are good friends.
Easterners tend to value people being concerned about them when they are upset or depressed. If your questions are not welcome, they will indicate it, but will generally appreciate the concern.

Friendships II
Westerners can become intimate quite quickly in friendships, but that doesn’t mean that they are committed. Commitment takes longer to happen.
In the East, commitment is more closely tied to intimacy. There is an expectation that friendship, after a deep talk, will continue at the same level.
第2个回答  2009-10-11
第3个回答  2009-10-11
哇 一个人来到观音庙 准备求观音 看见观音菩萨也在对自己的头像在拜 这人奇怪地问道 为何你要求自己 观音答 求人不如求己!
第4个回答  2009-10-11