
李涛是我校年轻的老教师。他被看作是老教师,是因为他教化学课已经有20年了。说他年轻,因为他今年还不过38岁。 他长得较瘦。头上头发不多,灰白了。他戴着深度眼镜,牙齿又缺了2颗。所以他看上去比他实际年龄要大。他说,在公共汽车上常常有人给他让座。事实上。我曾看见他不止一次地给怀抱婴儿的妇女让过座。只要听一听他的化学课——那课又生动又有趣,你就会发现他真正的年龄。

Li Tao is a young teacher of our school.He is regarded as a qualified teacher who has taught our chemistry for 20 years. He is young beacuse he is 38 years old.He is a little thin,and with a little white air.He wear a high degree of glasses.His teeth also been lost.So he looks much more older than his actual age.What's more ,there are some people to leave him a seat when he is on a bus.In fact,he always offer his seat to the women who often take a child for more than once.If you want to know his age ,you can have a lesson of him.
第1个回答  2009-11-21