

位干北广场中轴线上,南北长 350米,东 西宽52米,最宽处N 米,T字型结构,共分为百米瀑布水池、八级跌水池及前端音乐水池三个区域,可分区独立表演或整体表演。音乐喷泉规模宏大,流光溢彩,美仑美奂。其中八级喷泉方阵,喷头点达1024个,每个喷头均由一台水泵及一台变频器独立控制。音乐喷泉共设计有独立水型22种,均是国内最新推出的科技含量较高的新颖水型。而60米宽,20米高的大型激光水幕,4台喷火火泉从水中喷出,在6米高空充分燃烧低温爆开,更增加了整个喷泉的夺人气魄。喷泉共计有水泵1360台,变频器1124台,彩灯3300余盏,喷头2000多只。喷泉的灯光采用水下池面地灯、LED光带及岸上电脑灯多光源照明。音乐采用高保真远射程专业音像系统,使喷泉声、光、水、色有机交融。

Big Wild Goose Pagoda Xian Music Fountain Plaza is located at the foot of the famous Big Wild Goose Pagoda, something wide and 480 meters, 350 meters north to south, covering 252 acres, will be north-south central axis of the Big Wild Goose Pagoda. There square in front of gate and columns as the Wild Goose Pagoda Road and the Square Tower of the switching point of the axis. By the waterscape fountain, cultural square, landscape, culture and tourism business facilities on corridor. 9 meters north-south elevation difference, divided into nine, from south to north and gradually form a Shiji Big Wild Goose Pagoda in the form of worship. The whole project construction area of about 11 million square meters, total investment of about 500 million yuan. Square as a whole involves the concept to highlight the Big Wild Goose Pagoda and Tang culture Jionji spindle,
Combines elements of traditional and modern composition. It is not only one of the country's best square, but also will become an important national cultural square Tang.
Combines elements of traditional and modern composition. It is not only one of the country's best square, but also will become an important national cultural square Tang.
Center, and the musical fountain waterscape
At 6 meters above the ground burst open at low-temperature combustion, but also increased the fountain takes away people's spirit. A total of 1360 units fountain pump, inverter 1124 Taiwan Lantern more than 3,300 lights, more than 2000 nozzles only. Fountain underwater pool surface using light lamp, LED light, and shore-based computer with a multi-lamp illumination. Music using high-fidelity long-range professional video and audio systems to fountains sound, light, water, organic blend of color.