

第1个回答  2023-05-24



1、By now I habitually clicked through S's photo albums, a diversion far better thanpopping into a colleague's office for a romantic update.但是当我习惯性地点击S的相册,这是一种比进入同事办公室打听八卦事情更好的消遣。

2、The participants simply click on the link and join the class. You can choose to setit up with a password or not.参加者只需点击该链接并加入该群。您可以选择是否设置一个密码。

3、Hyperlinks are designed to be clicked, so to make them usable, it makes sense toensure that they're easy to click.设置超文本链接的目的是被点击,确保它们很容易点击才有意义。

4、IT takes only a few clicks for a college grad to get a long list of companies that heor she can look for an internship with.只需要点击几下,就可以为高校毕业生提供一长串的实习公司,网上投简历也很容易。

5、He said the company's Web site had so many hits Thursday it was disabled.该企业发言人还说,其公司网站在周四点击率过高以致瘫痪。
