“苦海无边回头是岸” 用英语怎么说?


成语解释: 佛教语。意指尘世如同苦海,无边无际,只有悟道,才能获得超脱。亦以比喻罪恶虽重,只要悔改,便有出路。
成语出处: 宋 朱熹《朱子语类》卷五十九:“知得心放,此心便在这里,更何用求?适见道人题壁云:‘苦海无边,回头是岸。’说得极好。”

英语翻译: In repentance there is salvation.


第1个回答  2010-10-10
The sea of bitterness has no bounds, repeat and the shore is at hand.

The bitter sea has no bounds, repent and the shore is at hand.

In repentance, there is salvation
第2个回答  2010-10-10
Bitter sea is endless, turn back you can see the bank.

The sea of suffering is boundless; yet a turn of the gear is the other shore.

Bitter sea no end, return head is beach 。