

出门旅游,到了一个新的环境,新的地方,为了能更好地办事和旅游,要先了解一下所去处的情况,制定一个旅游计划。旅游计划包括:旅游地点、路线、方式、时间、费用等。旅游地点可以根据个人爱好、旅游时间、经济条件和身体状况确定;旅游方式有参加旅行社、集体旅游、独自旅游、居家旅游等;旅游时间可以选择工作和学习的空闲及旅游点的最佳季节,旅游中常回有意想不到的问题发生,时间要安排得充裕些要想定好旅游计划,就需要查看有关旅游、交通方面的书籍和地图,特别是对所选择旅游点的山川景色、风土人情都要有所了解。此外,还要掌握一些旅游点特色的知识。这样一来,既能增加旅游的兴趣,又可提高旅游效果,您才能玩得更尽兴。Have gone out to tour , have arrived at one new environment , new place, in order to can better, handle affairs and tour, want the condition knowing a place first, work out a plan touring. The plan touring is included: Place , route , way , time , cost touring etc.The place touring is not bad status ascertains that according to individual hobby , tour time , economy condition and the body; The way touring has joining travel service , the collective tours , one's own tours , the family-life tour waits; Tour time can choose the free time working and studying and the best of tourist spot season , have unexpected question time average the tour happening, time needs to arrange for a little abundant needing to want to fix the plan easy to tour , need to check books and map about tour , traffic aspect right away, scenery , local manners and feelings all need to have gained some understanding especially to what be chosen a tourist spot mountains and rivers. Besides, want to have the knowledge grasping a few tourist spots characteristic too. The interest touring like this about one, now that the energy increases by, may raise tour result , your ability plays such that enjoying self to the full more.