

雅思口语第三部分往往是对于第二部分的一个拓展衍生,这部分的问题比较的深入,有时候是需要考生有一个批判性的思考方式。所以环球青藤老师就来谈谈如何应对雅思口语Part3的利弊分析。出题方式:What are the advantages and disadvantages of ….?解题思路:利弊分析,即要求考生讨论advantages & disadvantages,建议考生从不同角度不同方面去考虑这个问题。比如从个人和社会角度,从科教文卫体五大角度等等。总之,在回答的时候,可以适当地对于分析对象进行分类,然后阐述观点。考生的回答思路大致如下:首先先明确地指出优缺点,建议用一句话概述即可。然后给出具体的理由或者例子进行解释说明。随后进行总结,究竟是利大于弊还是弊大于利或者视情况而定。常用表达:One of the main advantages of….A key advantages of….A really good thing about….Another advantage of….Another good thing about…范例:What are the advantages and disadvantages of working outdoors?I think it really depends on what kind of job you have outdoors. In general, most outdoor jobs are quite physical, so I think that they can help people keep fit and healthy as well as being outside in the open air. On the other hand, it can be awful to work outside because you may have to work in terrible weather, like rain, snow and extreme cold.分析:这道题目是问户外工作的优缺点。考生的回答很客观,这要视工作性质而定。大多数的情况下,户外工作是需要体力劳动的,这有助于人们计划持健康,但是有时候在恶劣环境下工作是非常可怕的,比如暴雨暴雪或者是很冷的天气。考生将优缺点描述的很清楚,结构与思路也十分清晰,是值得学习的。练习:接下来的几道题目,学生可以自己利用上述方法进行练习,体会其中的解题技巧和步骤。What are the advantages and disadvantages of keeping pets?What are the advantages and disadvantages of public transportation?What are the advantages and disadvantages of having a big family?