
有考点,有解析,有例句,有例题,条理清晰,最好是有高考题,配有答案。像什么倒装,虚拟,doing done的用法,as so such的用法,等等非谓语啊 什么的。都要 很全面的


1.The way ______ was thought of by him ______ the experiment was similar to the way
______ you carried it out.
[ ]
A. that, doing, which
B. which, of doing, in which
C. what, to do, \
D. it, of doing, that
2.Every minute should be made use of _____ the foreign language so that you’ll get more used to the
life in the country.
[ ]
A. learn
B. learning
C. to learn
D. learned
3.— What do you think of the film Inception (盗梦空间) ?
— Just so-so. I don’t think it worth ______ a second time.
[ ]
A. watching
B. watched
C. to watch
D. being watched
4.Who do you think we should have _____ to Shanghai to visit the 2010 World Expo?
[ ]
A. to go
B. gone
C. going
D. go
5.The young man, _____ several attempts to beat the world record in high jumping, decided
to have another try.
[ ]
A. to make
B. making
C. made
D. having made
6.— Can you hand in your composition tomorrow?
— Sure. ______ it handed in on time, I’ll stay up tonight.
[ ]
A. To have got
B. To get
C. Getting
D. Having got
7.Try to spend your time just on the things you find ______.
[ ]
A. worthing doing them
B. worth being done
C. worthy to being done
D. worthy of being done
8.Jack went to college last year and left his parents, ______ to return home until he achieves his goal.
[ ]
A. determining not
B. not determined
C. not determining
D. determined not
9.He stood there dumfounded without daring ______ his head as a consequence of his wrong action.
[ ]
A. lift
B. to lift
C. turn
D. to rise
10.— Why didn’t you come to the party?
— I had meant _____, but something unexpected happened.
[ ]
A. so
B. that
C. not
D. to
11._____ twice a year, whether it is a car or a bus or a truck, is the rule that every driver must obey in this city.
[ ]
A. Examining
B. Examined
C. Being examined
D. Having been examined
12.The opening ceremony of Beijing 2008 Olympics is a great success, which is believed ______ the
Chinese splendid civilization.
[ ]
A. having been displayed
B. to have displayed
C. to be displayed
D. displaying
13.Could you show me the TV set you’d like _____?
[ ]
A. to have repaired
B. repairing it
C. to have it repaired
D. to repair it
14.The new book ______ several stories, ______ the one about News Corp. phone hacking scandal.
[ ]
A. contains; including
B. includes; containing
C. contains; containing
D. includes; including
15.There are many books on the shelf. But only one of them is ______.
[ ]
A. worth to read
B. worth being read
C. worthy of reading
D. worth reading
16.My teacher inspired ____ a summer course to improve my writing skills.
[ ]
A. for me taking
B. me taking
C. for me to take
D. me to take
17.The traffic rule says young children under the age of four and _____ less than 40 pounds must
be in a child safety seat.
[ ]
A. being weighed
B. to weigh
C. weighed
D. weighing
18._____, they set out to break the record for cross-channel swimming.
[ ]
A. Well equipped
B. Well equipping
C. Well equips
D. To equip well
19.The gap between rural and urban education in China is widening, and education is the key
to _____ rural problems.
[ ]
A. solving
B. solve
C. have solved
D. having solved
20.The experiment shows that proper amounts of exercise, if regularly _____, can improve our health.
[ ]
A. being carried out
B. carrying out
C. carried out
D. to carry out
21.The climate conference was attended by 11,000 people, _____ it the largest UN gathering ever held.
[ ]
A. making
B. to make
C. made
D. to be making
22.I would like _____ you to my birthday party, but I was busy and forgot to call you.
[ ]
A. to invite
B. inviting
C. to have invited
D. having invited
23.Think hard and you won’t have the puzzle _____ you.
[ ]
A. puzzling
B. puzzle
C. to puzzle
D. puzzled
24. _____ down the radio, a little-the baby is sleeping.
[ ]
A. Turning
B. Turn
C. To turn
D. Turned
25. _____ the global financial crisis, the Chinese government has taken many measures _____ peoples life to
deal with it.
[ ]
A. Facing with; related
B. Faced; relating to
C. Faced with; relating
D. Facing; related to
26.With no central government, the island was ruled by kings, _____ a different region of the country.
[ ]
A. each controlling
B. each controlled
C. each to control
D. each was controlling
27.At one time most women made their own clothes, _____ the cloth in small stores.
[ ]
A. to buy
B. bought
C. buying
D. being bought
28.An old lady came _____ to the bus stop only ____ the bus had gone.
[ ]
A. to run ; to find
B. running; to find
C. and ran ; finding
D. running; finding
29.At weekends in Nanjing, you can often see many people _____ outside some restaurants,
_____ to have dinners.
[ ]
A. sit; wait
B. seated; waiting
C. seating; waiting
D. sitting; wait
30.Thunderstorms have struck northern China, ______ heavy rain and ______ traffic chaos.
[ ]
A. brought, caused
B. bringing, causing
C. having brought, having caused
D. to bring, to cause
31.There is much ______ can be done about the accidents ______ from carelessness.
[ ]
A. which, arose
B. that, arising
C. which, arisen
D. that, arise
32._____ help the people in the snowstorm in the south made him worried.
[ ]
A. Not known how to
B. Unknown what to do to
C. His knowing not how to
D. His not knowing how to
33.The Internet gives people the chance to have the information they look forward ____ to
them quickly and cheaply.
[ ]
A. to deliver
B. deliver
C. to delivering
D. to delivered
34.Written in a hurry, ____. How can it be satisfactory?
[ ]
A. they find many mistakes in the report
B. lots of mistakes have been made in the report
C. there are plenty of mist akes in the report
D. the report is full of mistakes
35.After the professor, ____ out the project made a comment on the report, the media focused on it.
[ ]
A. was opposed to carry
B. opposed to carry
C. opposed to carrying
D. opposed carrying
36.This problem may lead to more serious ones if ____ unsolved.
[ ]
A. left
B. remained
C. keeping
D. making
37.Some people haven’t realized something as common as _____ to the sun for a long time will do
harm to their skin and even cause skin cancer.
[ ]
A. exposing
B. being exposed
C. having exposed
D. exposed
38.Although the huge engine, as tall as 25 meters, is heavy _____, it is powerful and works well.
[ ]
A. carried
B. to be carried
C. to carry
D. being exposed
39.Has the boy who was made use of _______ realized the mistake?
[ ]
A. stealing
B. stolen
C. to steal
D. for stealing
40.The old black woman sat under the pine tree, her grandsons, ______ around her, ______ to an old story.
[ ]
A. seating; listening
B. seated; listened
C. seating; listened
D. seated; listening
41."We can’t go out in this weather," said Bob, ______ out of the window.
[ ]
A. looking
B. to look
C. looked
D. having looked
42.Tsinghua University, _____ in 1911, is home to a great number of outstanding figures.
[ ]
A. found
B. founding
C. founded
D. to be founded
43.A computer does only what thinking people ______.
[ ]
A. have it do
B. have it done
C. have done it
D. having it done
44.The village seemed deserted, the only sign of life ____ some trees waving in the wind.
[ ]
A. were
B. being
C. was
D. to be
45.He is such an unselfish man. You cannot help but ______ him.
[ ]
A. respect
B. to respect
C. neglect
D. to neglect
46.— He didn’t feel a bit nervous when ______.
— No. He’d had a lot of time ______ for it after all.
[ ]
A. interviewing; to prepare
B. interviewed; to prepare
C. interviewing; preparing
D. being interviewed; preparing
47.Dear passengers, please remain _____ until the bus totally stops.
[ ]
A. seat
B. seated
C. seating
D. to be seated
48._____ by it’s impressive performance, Peter will probably be accepted by a key university.
[ ]
A. To judge
B. Being judged
C. Judged
D. Judging
49.With the great weight ______ off her mind, she passed the test successfully.
[ ]
A. taking
B. taken
C. take
D. to be taken
50.Her father makes himself ______ longer hours ______ the big family.
[ ]
A. to work; to raise
B. to work; raise
C. work; to raise
D. work; raise
51.I lost my way in complete darkness and, _____ matters worse, it began to rain.
[ ]
A. made
B. having made
C. making
D. to make
52.______ the youth to the rising sun at 8 or 9 o’clock a.m., Mao Zedong expressed his great
hope for the young men.
[ ]
A. Compared
B. To compare
C. Compare
D. Comparing
53.Sir, do you have anything _____ this afternoon? If there is nothing to do, I wonder if I can ask
for a leave.
[ ]
A. typing   
B. typed    
C. to type   
D. to be typed
54.Nobody wants to _____, especially in public.
[ ]
A. be made fun of
B. make fun of
C. made fun of
D. making fun of
55.You can never imagine what great trouble I had ______ the poor boy who was seriously hurt.
[ ]
A. help
B. to help
C. helping
D. helped
56.The news reporter hurried to the airport, only _____ that the film stars had left.
[ ]
A. to be told
B. told
C. being told
D. to tell
57.Most of his books are said ______ into several languages already.
[ ]
A. to be translated
B. being translated
C. to have been translated
D. translate
58.— Do you know that the meeting _____ this afternoon has been cancelled?
— No. Thanks for telling me.
[ ]
A. to be held
B. held
C. being held
D. to hold
59.The murderer was brought in, with his hands _____ behind his back.
[ ]
A. being tied
B. having tied
C. to be tied
D. tied
60.On hearing the news, the girl rushed out without hesitation, ______ the luggage _____ on the floor,
and ______ in the dark.
[ ]
A. left, lied, disappeared
B. leaving, lying, disappeared
C. leaving, lie, disappeared
D. left, lay, disappear
61.______, a small advertisement held my attention, which read "Easy job. Good wages. No
experience necessary."
[ ]
A. Looking through the newspaper
B. While I was looking through the newspaper
C. To look through the newspaper
D. I was looking through the newspaper
62.The soldier raised his gun and calmly _____ it at the enemy commander, fired.
[ ]
A. aiming
B. aimed
C. to aim
D. aim
63.Exciting as its special effects are ______, there is too much violence in the film.
[ ]
A. to watch
B. to be watched
C. watching
D. being watched
64.______ from other continents for millions of years, Australia has many plants and animals
not found in any other country in the world.
[ ]
A. Being separated
B. Having separated
C. Having been separated
D. To be separated
65.They usually have the medicine ______ before putting into the market all over the country.
[ ]
A. testing out
B. to be tested out
C. being tested out
D. tested out
66.— What made Bill so angry?
— _____. His girl friend promised to come at 8:30, but she hasn’t come yet.
[ ]
A. Having kept waiting
B. Being kept waiting
C. To be kept waiting
D. Being kept waited
67.When the man came in, gun in hand, we all stood there, ______.
[ ]
A. frightened
B. frightening
C. being frightened
D. having frightened
68.— Who should be responsible for the accident?
— The boss, not the workers. They just carry out the order ______.
[ ]
A. as told
B. as are told
C. as telling
D. as they told
69."We can not afford limited progress. We need rapid progress," Ban said at the Third World Climate
Conference in Geneva, ______ by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO).
[ ]
A. organized
B. being organized
C. organizing
D. was organized
70.______, the players began the game.
[ ]
A. Having taken our seats
B. Taking our seats
C. Being taken the seats
D. After we had taken our seats
71.Not having worked out the program, ______ leave the office.
[ ]
A. so he was forbidden to
B. and he didn’t want to
C. his little son couldn’t make him
D. he couldn’t free himself to
72.— Would you like me _____ the radio a bit?
— No, it’s all right. I’m used _____ with the radio _____.
[ ]
A. to turn down; to work; on
B. turning down; to working; on
C. turning down; to working; off
D. to turn down; to working; on
73.What worried the child most was ______ to visit his brother n hospital.
[ ]
A. his not being allowed
B. his not allowing
C. his being not allowed
D. having not been allowed
74.He told us whether _____ a picnic was still under discussion.
[ ]
A. to have
B. having
C. have
D. had
75.The local government has done everything it can _____ the buried miners.
[ ]
A. save
B. saving
C. to save
D. be saved
76.The disk, digitally _____ in the studio, sounded fantastic at the party that night.
[ ]
A. recorded
B. recording
C. to be recorded
D. having recorded
77.______ in the mountains for a week, the two students were finally saved by the local police.
[ ]
A. Having lost
B. Lost
C. Being lost
D. Losing
78.He still remembers when he was a little boy, he used to go there and watch ______.
[ ]
A. to repair trucks
B. trucks to repair
C. trucks being repaired
D. trucks repairing
79.______ full preparations, they decided to put their wedding off until December.
[ ]
A. They did not make
B. having not made
C. They had not made
D. Not having made
80.Lots of rescue workers were working around the clock, _______ supplies to Yushu, Qinghai Province
after the earthquake.
[ ]
A. sending
B. to send
C. having sent
D. to have sent
81.Please do me a favor-_____ my friend Mr. Smith to Youth Theater at 7:30 tonight.
[ ]
A. to invite
B. inviting
C. invite
D. invited
82.______ not to miss the flight at 15:20, the manager set out for the airport in a hurry.
[ ]
A. Reminding
B. Reminded
C. To remind
D. Having reminded
83.For breakfast he only drinks juice from fresh fruit ______ on his own farm.
[ ]
A. being grown
B. grown
C. to be grown
D. to grow
84.______ from other continents for millions of years, Australia has many plants and animals
not found in any other country in the world.
[ ]
A. Being separated
B. Having separated
C. Having been separated
D. To be separated
85.______ in the mountains for a week, the two students were finally saved by the local police.
[ ]
A. Having lost
B. Lost
C. Being lost
D. Losing


