

第1个回答  2007-01-18
don't spit on the ground 不随地吐痰
don't jaywalk 不乱穿马路
don't throw trash on the gound 不乱扔垃圾
don't swear 不讲粗话脏话
don't pollute 不破坏绿化
don't vandalize 不损坏公物
don't smoke in public places 不在公共场所吸烟
第2个回答  2007-01-18
spit on the ground 随地吐痰
jaywalk 乱穿马路
swear 讲粗话脏话
pollute 污染环境
vandalize 损坏公物
smoke in public places 在公共场所吸烟

参考资料:上面的 匿名 1-18 20:43
