

第1个回答  2020-05-21
第2个回答  2020-05-20
第3个回答  2020-05-30
兄弟说在百ˊˉ度搜.『双面事.务所』.可以咨询===============================Maybe we don't graduate from a famous school, but we can still pursue life. Noble pursuit of life can let you get rid of anxiety, only move towards the goal, not so easy to be submerged by the social trend. Your future is determined by these things. Saihanba is a miracle created by Saihanba people. Their deep green dream in the forest supports them to do the most ordinary and tiring work, year after year, generation after generation. If a person dares to invest in something for many years and insists on many things, then such persistence is a great courage and deserves respect.130、书籍用得好的时候是最好的东西;滥用的时候,是最坏的东西之一。——爱默生
第4个回答  2020-05-29
之前在.网′.址﹔『twóface123.℃Ом』:得到了帮助===============================The most regrettable thing in life is that you easily give up what you shouldn't give up, persist in what you shouldn't. It's normal to have troubles in life, work and study. It's irrational to take them home easily. It's irresponsible to vent to the close people. Where there is a problem, it's where to solve it.97、生命是短暂的,空余时间很少,因此我们不应把一刻空余时间耗费在阅读价值不大的书籍属上。——罗斯金