
不需要多长 学校广播站需要的

Mandarin is the vernacular of a symbol of civilization and progress, the use of Putonghua training not only can display the individual can promote the exchange and communication between people. Imagine you and a complete let you use the dialect of the people did not understand the exchange, what will happen? Not only will produce the exchange barriers, and even cause unnecessary misunderstanding and trouble. Sometimes, students of language use on the uncivilized and even Mankouzanghua, causing problems, and even go to war phenomena have occurred, because they did not pay attention to the language of civilization and cultivation.

Speak good Mandarin, can improve the overall quality, cultivate patriotism. But everyone in our school which not enough attention to Mandarin, we need to Putonghua language needs of civilization. During this period, we will vigorously promote the school and called the students and teachers speak Putonghua, the students have also invested a lot of energy to do Putonghua promotion and publicity work. Between students who need better communication with the students should listen to hear to understand the knowledge, but do not want all day long ago, we made some small matters to big trouble, which we need to work together to take on the proper use of Putonghua, civilized use everyday language of the task.

"Mandarin is the language of our campus," "Mandarin: emotional bond, a bridge," "communication ---- Start from the Mandarin", "speak Putonghua, to facilitate you and me." These will be the promotion of Putonghua in our school slogan. Please read with me. There is such a good social environment, I think we definitely speak Putonghua, friends all over the world.


“普通话是我们的校园语言”、“普通话:情感的纽带,沟通的桥梁”、“沟通----从普通话开始”、 “说好普通话,方便你我他”。这些将成为我们学校推广普通话的宣传口号。请大家跟我一起念。有这样良好的社会大环境,我想大家肯定会说好普通话,朋友遍天下。
第1个回答  2010-09-13
We are young with a vision of university life, the desire for knowledge, the pursuit of living, access to a large campus, we come from all corners of the country, different language writing this article from the clerical network statement is bound to become another communication barriers, the use of Putonghua emerge naturally, but if there is no basis for the standard of Putonghua, it is bound to bring a lot of trouble again: a friend's troubles can not be shared, happiness can not be shared sense of loneliness will be felt! Putonghua will be open our hearts, open minds brick window of the door, but the reality is there are many problems with a strong accent, his hometown in the campus of Putonghua frequent rolling, Alice tongue, the tongue, such as ping master not correct the error is endless, not only will create a lot of jokes, but also detrimental to the whole image of our contemporary college students.

As a modern college students, a few years will be facing the choice of work or further study, but in any case, Mandarin will be communication between you and the others a golden key, your morality, self-cultivation, culture Putonghua will be displayed in full. Just imagine you would a local accent and spoke it with others? This will be reflected as required by a qualified quality of college students!

With the development and social progress, the network era is before us, and save some typing emerge when the homophone, spelling began to blow against our faces, do not regulate the use of mother language, to the promotion of Putonghua since the correct a lot of counter-productive. Therefore, in order to standardize the use of mother language, it requires us to pay attention from the daily life, the strict demands on themselves, the text of our country will further enhance the development.

University is a small stage in life, let us Putonghua in this small arena to become the basis for the development of our future; society is a big stage in life, let us Putonghua at this stage to become the cornerstone of our success.

Let us act together to regulate the use of mother languages - Mandarin, so that the flower of the language specification in full bloom everywhere!




第2个回答  2010-09-16