

How are you?
Fine, thank you.

What day is it today?
It's Monday.

How are you doing?
I am doing very well, thanks.

What's your name?
My name is Lucy.

How is your mother?
She is getting better in hospital, thank you.

Which one do you like?
The red one.

Who is Lily?
The girl in blue skirt.

How is your examination?
Just so so.

What is your favourate book?
Jane Eyer.

Who is your idol?
Lu Han.

Which country do you like most?

Do you have any sisters or brothers?
No, I am the only child in my family.

What time is it now?
It's 9:05.

Which question is easy to answer?
The second one.

Do you like math?
Yes, I like math very much.

What is your hobby?
I like playing basketball.

Do you admire him?
Yes, I also want to travel many countries as he did.

When will you go home?
2 hours later maybe.

Where were you born?

Where do you live?

Which flavor do you like best, sour or spicy?

Which city is the capital city of America?

Do you like stay home alone?
No, I like to stay with my friends outside.

What 's wrong with you?
I felt sick this moring.

How old are you?
I am 25 years old.
第1个回答  2018-02-27