

  Rabindranath Tagore is a well-known poets, writers, artists and social activist, born in Calcutta, a city of rich philosophical and literary arts Seoul (1861 ~ 1941) India home with self-cultivation technique, which can create 13-year-old poem and poetry Carols body. Went to study English literature and music, dozen travel far and wide, and Romain Rolland, Albert Einstein and so many celebrities have a large number of world contacts, devoted hislife to communicate things of civilization and coordination. To the poet Rabindranath Tagore said, creating the "Gitanjali" and so on more than 50 poems, called "Shisheng." He also is a well-known novelist, playwright, composer and artist, has completed in 12 novels, 100 short stories.

  (1)重要诗作有诗集《故事诗集》(1900)、《吉檀迦利》(1910)、《新月集》 (1913)、《飞鸟集》(1916)、《边缘集》(1938)、《生辰集》(1941)
  (2)重要小说有短篇《还债》(1891)、 《弃绝》(1893)、《素芭》(1893)、《活着还是死去》(1892)、《摩诃摩耶》(1892)、《太阳与乌云》 (1894),中篇《四个人》(1916),长篇《沉船》(1906)、《戈拉》(1910)、《家庭与世界》(1916)、《两姐 妹》(1932);
  (4)重要散文有 《死亡的贸易》(1881)、《中国的谈话》(1924)、《俄罗斯书简》(1931)等。

第1个回答  2014-01-21
泰戈尔的创作 一. 主要作品
1913年,获得诺贝尔文学奖.1913年后,泰戈尔发表了长诗《野花》、《诗人的故事》等,1881~1885年,出版抒情诗集《暮歌》、《晨歌》、《画与歌》,还有戏剧和长篇小说。戏剧和小说多取材于史诗和往世书,诗歌富于浪漫主义色彩。1886年,诗集《刚与柔》出版,标志着他在创作道路上进入面向人生与现实生活的时期。诗集《心中的向往》是他第一部成熟的作品,他的独特风格开始形成。这一时期还写了剧本《国王与王后》和《牺牲》,反对恢复婆罗门祭司的特权和落后习俗。19世纪90年代是泰戈尔创作的旺盛时期。从1891年起,在他主编的《萨塔纳》杂志上,发表《摩诃摩耶》等60多篇短篇小说,主要是反对封建压迫,揭露现实生活中不合理现象。他发表了《金帆船》、《缤纷集》、《收获集》、《梦幻集》、《刹那集》5 部抒情诗集,1部哲理短诗《微思集》和1部《故事诗集》。收入《缤纷集》的叙事诗《两亩地》是作者民主主义思想的最高表现。从《刹那集》起,他开始用孟加拉口语写诗。他的第二部英译诗集《园丁集》里的诗大多选自这一时期作品。
20世纪初泰戈尔遭遇到个人生活的不幸,丧偶、丧女、丧父的悲痛与伤感在诗集《回忆》、《儿童》和《渡船》中有真实记录。他另有两部长篇小说《小沙子》和《沉船》。1910年,长篇小说《戈拉》发表,它反映了印度社会生活中的复杂现象,塑造了争取民族自由解放的战士形象;歌颂了新印度教徒爱国主义热情和对祖国必获自由的信心,同时也批判他们维护旧传统的思想;对梵社某些人的教条主义、崇洋媚外也予以鞭挞 。这期间还写了象征剧《国王》和《邮局》及讽刺剧《顽固堡垒》。1910年,孟加拉文诗集《吉檀迦利》出版 ,后泰戈尔旅居伦敦时把《吉檀迦利》、《渡船》和《奉献集》里的部分诗作译成英文,1913年《吉檀迦利》英译本出版,泰戈尔成为亚洲第一个获诺贝尔文学奖的作家。他进入另一创作高潮,发表诗歌《歌之花环》、《颂歌》、《白鹤》、《逃避》,中长篇小说《四个人》与《家庭与世界》。20世纪20 年代泰戈尔仍坚持写作,发表剧本《摩克多塔拉》、《红夹竹桃》,长篇小说《纠纷》、《最后的诗篇》及一些诗作。30年代他又陆续出版长篇小说《两姐妹》、《花圃》、《四章》;戏剧《时代的车轮》、《纸牌王国》 ;诗集《再一次》、《边缘集》和政治抒情诗《礼佛》等。1941年4月 ,他写下最后遗言、有名的《文明的危机》,对英国殖民统治进行控诉,表达了对民族独立的坚定信念。 其中《金色花》,《告别》,《榕树》被选入七年级教材。《新月集》被选入五年级教材。本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  推荐于2018-04-26

Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941)
Rabindranath Tagore was born in Calcutta, India into a wealthy Brahmin family. After a brief stay in England (1878) to attempt to study law, he returned to India, and instead pursued a career as a writer, playwright, songwriter, poet, philosopher and educator. During the first 51 years of his life he achieved some success in the Calcutta area of India where he was born and raised with his many stories, songs and plays. His short stories were published monthly in a friend's magazine and he even played the lead role in a few of the public performances of his plays. Otherwise, he was little known outside of the Calcutta area, and not known at all outside of India. This all suddenly changed in 1912. He then returned to England for the first time since his failed attempt at law school as a teenager. Now a man of 51, his was accompanied by his son. On the way over to England he began translating, for the first time, his latest selections of poems, Gitanjali, into English. Almost all of his work prior to that time had been written in his native tongue of Bengali. He decided to do this just to have something to do, with no expectation at all that his first time translation efforts would be any good. He made the handwritten translations in a little notebook he carried around with him and worked on during the long sea voyage from India. Upon arrival, his son left his father's brief case with this notebook in the London subway. Fortunately, an honest person turned in the briefcase and it was recovered the next day. Tagore's one friend in England, a famous artist he had met in India, Rothenstein, learned of the translation, and asked to see it. Reluctantly, with much persuasion, Tagore let him have the notebook. The painter could not believe his eyes. The poems were incredible. He called his friend, W.B. Yeats, and finally talked Yeats into looking at the hand scrawled notebook. Tagore was not only a creative genius, he was a great man and friend to many. For instance, he was also a good friend from childhood to the great Indian Physicist, Bose. He was educated and quite knowledgeable of Western culture, especially Western poetry and Science. This made him a remarkable person, one of the first of our planet to combine East and West, and ancient and modern knowledge. Tagore had a good grasp of modern - post-Newtonian - physics, and was well able to hold his own in a debate with Einstein in 1930 on the newly emerging principles of quantum mechanics and chaos. His meetings and tape recorded conversations with his contemporaries such Albert Einstein and H.G. Wells, stand as cultural landmarks, and show the brilliance of this great man. Although Tagore is a superb representative of his country - India - the man who wrote its national anthem - his life and works go far beyond his country. He is truly a man of the whole Earth, a product of the best of both traditional Indian, and modern Western cultures. The School of Wisdom is proud to have him as part of its heritage. He exemplifies the ideals important to us of Goodness, Meaningful Work, and World Culture.

Greatest writer in modern Indian literature, Bengali poet, novelist, educator, and an early advocate of Independence for India. Tagaore won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1913. Two years later he was awarded the knighthood, but he surrendered it in 1919 as a protest against the Massacre of Amritsar, where British troops killed some 400 Indian demonstrators. Tagore's influence over Gandhi and the founders of modern India was enormous, but his reputation in the West as a mystic has perhaps mislead his Western readers to ignore his role as a reformer and critic of colonialism.
"When one knows thee, then alien there is none, then no door is shut. Oh, grant me my prayer that I may never lose touch of the one in the play of the many." (from Gitanjali)
Rabindranath Tagore was born in Calcutta into a wealthy and prominent Brahman family. His father was Maharishi Debendranath Tagore, a religious reformer and scholar. His mother, Sarada Devi, died when Tagore was very young - he realized that she will never come back was when her body was carried through a gate to a place where it was burned. Tagore's grandfather had established a huge financial empire for himself. He helped a number of public projects, such as Calcutta Medical College.

The Tagores tried to combine traditional Indian culture with Western ideas; all the children contributed significantly to Bengali literature and culture. However, in My Reminiscences Tagore mentions that it was not until the age of ten when he started to use socks and shoes. And servants beat the children regularly. Tagore, the youngest, started to compose poems at the age of eight. Tagore's first book, a collection of poems, appeared when he was 17; it was published by Tagore's friend who wanted to surprise him.
Tagore received his early education first from tutors and then at a variety of schools. Among them were Bengal Academy where he studied history and culture. At University College, London, he studied law but left after a year - he did not like the weather. Once he gave a beggar a cold coin - it was more than the beggar had expected and he returned it. In England Tagore started to compose the poem 'Bhagna Hridaj' (a broken heart).
In 1883 Tagore married Mrinalini Devi Raichaudhuri, with whom he had two sons and three daughters. In 1890 Tagore moved to East Bengal (now Bangladesh), where he collected local legends and folklore. Between 1893 and 1900 he wrote seven volumes of poetry, including SONAR TARI (The Golden Boat), 1894 and KHANIKA, 1900. This was highly productive period in Tagore's life, and earned him the rather misleading epitaph 'The Bengali Shelley.' More important was that Tagore wrote in the common language of the people. This also was something that was hard to accept among his critics and scholars.
Tagore was the first Indian to bring an element of psychological realism to his novels. Among his early major prose works are CHOCHER BALI (1903, Eyesore) and NASHTANIR (1901, The Broken Nest), published first serially. Between 1891 and 1895 he published forty-four short stories in Bengali periodical, most of them in the monthly journal Sadhana.本回答被网友采纳
第3个回答  2014-01-21
Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941)

Greatest writer in modern Indian literature, Bengali poet, novelist, educator, and an early advocate of Independence for India. Tagaore won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1913. Two years later he was awarded the knighthood, but he surrendered it in 1919 as a protest against the Massacre of Amritsar, where British troops killed some 400 Indian demonstrators. Tagore's influence over Gandhi and the founders of modern India was enormous, but his reputation in the West as a mystic has perhaps mislead his Western readers to ignore his role as a reformer and critic of colonialism.
"When one knows thee, then alien there is none, then no door is shut. Oh, grant me my prayer that I may never lose touch of the one in the play of the many." (from Gitanjali)