

Li Ming's hometown has changed a lot. It used to be a small town with narrow road and there used to be small shops. There weren't any theatres and stadiums before. People had a hard life. But now the road is becoimg wider and wider, people have more convinient transport and it is easy for them to go anywhere. There are lots of big shops,departments,malls ,stadiums and theatres. People can enjoy their lives. There are lots of beautiful flowers, grass and trees everywhere. The environment becomes more and more beautiful. 李明的家乡发生了很大的变化。过去是个小城镇,街道很窄,商店很小。没有剧院和体育馆。人们过着艰辛的生活。但现在路变得越来越宽,人们出行交通很方便。有许多大商店,百货商场,购物中心,体育馆和剧院。人们可以享受他们的生活。到处都是花草树木。环境变得越来越美丽
第1个回答  2013-02-23
  Li Ming's hometown has changed a lot. It used to be a small town with narrow road and there used to be small shops. There weren't any theatres and stadiums before. People had a hard life. But now the road is becoimg wider and wider, people have more convinient transport and it is easy for them to go anywhere. There are lots of big shops,departments,malls ,stadiums and theatres. People can enjoy their lives. There are lots of beautiful flowers, grass and trees everywhere. The environment becomes more and more beautiful.