

A:Hi,May I speak to Lily?
B:Speaking.Who's that.
A:This is Tom.I want to know what are you going to do this weekend?
B:I don't know.I may go shopping.what about you?
A:I want to invite you to my birthday party.Will you come?
B:Certainly.Thanks for inviting me.
A:ok,I'll pick you up at 6 p.m on Saturday.See you.
B:See you.
第1个回答  2015-06-20
A: is there time for tomorrow?
B: Yeah, what's wrong?
A: let's go shopping, last week I saw a pair of shoes in the mall, it is expensive, at that time did not buy, tomorrow I go to see if you can discount.
B: all right, what's the point? Where will we meet?
A: 10 o'clock in the morning, the mall entrance, Be There Or Be Square.
B: OK, you can ask me to have a big dinner tomorrow!
A: no problem, I'll see you tomorrow!
第2个回答  2015-06-20
A: Hi, this is A speaking, I'm looking for B
B: It's B, nice talking to you A
A: Hello B, what do you plan to do this holiday?
B: Nothing, what about you?
A: I'm thinking about going out for a trip, wanna join?
B: Of course, why not. When?
A: What about next sunday?
B: That is a good idea, see you.
A: See you, byebye本回答被网友采纳