

作主语:通常被看作是单数不可数名词,所以谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。Driving fast is very dangerous.Swimming is my favourite sport.Painting is an art.Hearing the bad news made him cry.注意:现在分词作主语时,和动词不定式一样,当它是较长的短语时,常常用it作形式主语,而把现在分词放到句末。如:It's nice spending the holiday at the beach.It's tiring working late.现在分词作主语时的常用句型: a waste of time no good/no useIt +be+ little/hardly any use + V-ing分词 not/hardly worth worth/worthwhile如:It's no use complaining.It's no good smoking a lot.It's a waste of time doing such a thing. no no sense in(没有道理)There +be+ no point in(毫无意义) +V-ing分词 no use in Nothing worse than(没有比...更糟糕的)如:There was no knowing what he was doing.There is no point (in) doing so.这么做,毫无意义。经常跟在it +be后面的形容词,然后接动名词作实际主语的形容词还有:Odd古怪的 Crazy疯狂的 Hopeless无望的 NiceFunny好笑的 Foolish愚蠢的 interesting Tiring累人的better terrible Enjoyable愉快的 Pointless无意义的2作表语:-ing分词作表语多和系动词be连用。注意:如果主语用了不定式,表语也要用不定式;同样地,如果主语用的是-ing分词,表语也应用-ing分词。即,作主语和表语的动词在形式上的一致。如:Seeing is believing=To see is to believe.My favourite sport is swimming.Her only hobby(爱好) is collecting stamps.☆注意:现在分词作表语和动词不定式作表语的区别在于:现在分词表示习惯性动作;而不定式表示一次性的具体动作。如:My plan is to finish my homework before tomorrow.My favourite sport is swimming.3. 作宾语英语中,有相当一部分动词后,只能接-ing分词作宾语。这类动词主要有:Admit承认 advise Anticipate期望做。。 Detest憎恨做。。。Defer推迟 suggest Escape逃避做。。 Quit停止做。。Deny否认 Miss错过 Avoid避免做。。。 Tolerate忍受。。Keep保持做。。。 Appreciate感谢。。。 Practise练习。。 enjoyMind介意 Consider考虑做 Risk冒险做。。。 Excuse原谅如:Excuse me interrupting you.I enjoy reading newspapers.I suggest you should practise speaking English every morning.注意:有一类动词后即可跟不定式作宾语,也可跟-ing分词作宾语。可以把这类动词分为三种类型:1)两种形式意义基本相同。2)两种形式略有差别。3)意义完全不同。A)两种形式意义基本相同的动词有:attempt, begin, cease(停止), continue, intend, start, commence(开始).如:She started to cry/crying.What do you intend to do/doing next?你打算接下来做什么?He continued to work/working.B)两种形式意义略有差别的动词主要有:hate, like, dislike, love, prefer等。如:I like playing basketball.I hate to trouble you.I prefer to go for a walk.I prefer singing songs.C)后跟不定式和-ing分词时,意义完全不同的动词有:remember, forget, regret., try, mean, chance(碰巧),cannot help...等。它们后面跟不定式表示动作还未发生,而跟现在分词表示动作已经发生。如:I regret to do this thing.I regret doing such a thing.Mean to do 表示打算,意欲做某事:而mean doing表示“意味着,意思是”如:I mean/plan to buy a house.Fighting means killing.Chance to do表示碰巧做某事;而chance doing表示冒险做某事、碰运气试着做某事He chanced to meet his old friend in the street.He chanced taking part in that race.Cannot help to do表示不能帮忙做某事;Cannot help doing表示情不自禁,不由得做某事如:I cannot help to do homework for you.I cannot help laughing.4. 作介词宾语除了我们已经谈到的“疑问词+不定式”可以作介词宾语外。通常情况下,只能用-ing分词作介词的宾语。但个别表示“除了。。。之外”的介词如“except, but, than”通常接不定式。如:I can do nothing except/but wait.后面跟-ing分词作介词宾语的短语结构主要有:A)“动词+介词+动名词”I am used to sleeping on the floor.(习惯于。。。)I am looking forward to meeting you.The rain stopped us from working.She objected to marrying him(反对)B)“形容词+介词+-ing分词”I am interested in playing basketball.Tom is responsible for breaking the glass.C)"名词+介词+动名词"There are many ways to do it/of doing it.He didn't go out for fear of raining.-ing分词的惯用搭配有:A)主语+have+fun/pleasure/a good time/trouble/difficulty+(in) doing sth如:We had a lot of fun (in) playing basketball.I have trouble/difficulty(in) understanding him.B)“There is+difficulty/trouble/pleasure+(in) doing sth”如:There is difficulty in passing the exam.There is trouble in learning a foreigh language.C)“be busy+(in) doing sth”I am busy in doing my homework.D) “What about/How about +-ing分词”(征求意见句型。。。怎么样)What/How about having a cup of tea?How about playing basketball with me?E)注意:有一类-ing分词和go搭配,表示“去(干。。。)”,这些分词大多与休闲娱乐的户外活动有关。常用的有:boating Camping野营 Climbing爬山Driving驾车兜风 Dancing跳舞 Hiking徒步旅行Hunting打猎 Fishing垂钓 runningJogging慢跑 Ridding骑马 Sailing航行Shopping购物 Sightseeing观光 Skating滑冰swimming Walking散步 Window shopping逛街如:We went boating yesterday.5.作定语 单个分词作定语时放在所修饰名词前 a running boy    the girl standing there (分词短语作定语,故置于所修饰名词之后)并且一般都可以转化为一个进行时的定语从句   如: a boy who is running   a girl who is standing there注意:某些现在分词作定语时,已不再表示动作,已经从分词变为了形容词词性。如:an interesting story, an exciting match 。这些也可以属于现在分词作定语,但是不能转化为相应的定语从句。但是可以有三级变化(原级、比较级、 最高级)和被某些副词如very修饰。6.作宾语补语只有两类动词可以加现在分词作宾补    1)感官动词或心理状态的动词:see,hear,watch,feel,notice,observe,find,listen to,look at   2)表示致使意义的动词:make, have,get,catch,leave,keep, let  注意:但是并不代表这些动词后的宾补形式都要用现在分词(有些后面可以加不带to的不定式作宾补)   eg.I saw him singing now.和 I saw him sing in the house.注意 :宾语与作宾补的现在分词之间存在逻辑上的主谓关系,即宾语是现在分词动作的发出者。7.作状语分词作状语时的逻辑主语(即分词动作的发出者)一般要与句中主语保持一致。若逻辑主语和分词动作之间为主动,用主动。反之,用被动。A)作时间状语   如:.Walking in the street,I saw him.当我在街上走时,我看到他了可以转化为一个时间状语从句:When/While I was walking in the street,I saw him.注意:当我要强调正在进行的动作时 我们可以在分词前面加上when/while   那么上面的例句就可以改写为When/While walking in the street,I saw him.(其实这是省略了从句中的I was,因为从句的主语和主句一致)。如果句子为:When/While he was walking in the street,I saw him. 当他走在街上,我看到他了。这里,由于从句主语和主句主语不一致,故不可省略。B)作条件状语   如: Working hard,you will succeed. (只要)努力工作,你就会成功。可以转换为if引导的状语从句。即:If you work hard, you will succeed.C)作原因状语   如: Being ill,she stayed at home. (因为)生病,她留在家里   注意 being是常用来作原因状语的  这句可以转换为相应的原因状语从句:Because/As she was ill, she stayed at home.D)作让步状语   如. Having failed many times,he didn't lose heart. 有很多次失败,他没有灰心。=Although he had failed many times, he didn't lose heart.E)作结果状语   如: His friend died,leaving Tom a lot of money, 他的朋友死了,(所以)给汤姆留了很多钱。=His friend died, so he left Tom a lot of money.F)作方式状语   如:Please answer the question using another way. 请用另一种方式回答这个问题G)作伴随状语,表示现在分词的动作正在进行中。如:He sat on the chair, singing songs.They left the shop, satisfied.The worked for a whole day, exhausted.They watching TV in the living room, I was cooking in the kitchen.8. 现在分词的独立主格 (1)独立主格,又叫独立结构,在句中作状语。它没有主语和谓语,只有逻辑上的主语,因此,它在句法上不是句子,而是一个独立于句子成分之外的独特结构形式。(2)独立主格结构可置于句首、句尾,用逗号与主句隔开。 独立主格结构可分为两部分,一部分是名词或代词(主格),起着逻辑主语的作用;另一部分由形容词、副词、名词、分词、不定式、介词短语等构成,表示前面名词或代词的状态、状况或动作。如:He entered the room, his nose red with cold.(名词/代词+形容词) He lay on his back, his hands behind his head.(名词/代词+介词短语) He entered the classroom, a book in his hand. He lay on the bed, his eyes closed. A good student, he always studies very hard. Whatever the reason, Bob went aboard finally. (3)这和我们学过的”with的复合结构”是差不多的,只不过它要比独立主格多个with.(4)分词作状语时,其逻辑主语一般要与句中主语保持一致”不难发现我每次在叙述这句话时都加上”一般”二字 那也就是说也有特殊的时候 就是分词的逻辑主语不和句中主语保持一致 也就是拥有了自己的独自的逻辑主语 那么也就是该用独立主格的时候了.如:Winter coming,it gets colder and colder.冬天来了 天变的越来越冷了  注意这句话,我们不难发现it在句中指代的是”天气” 。那么当我把winter去掉的时候,那在形式上就是纯粹的分词作状语。那么我们也就是默认了coming的动作是由it(天气)发出来的。但是我们不妨翻译一下”当天气来的时候,天气变的越来越冷了.”显然句意不通。那么就是说coming的逻辑主语不是it(天气),也就是coming拥有自己的逻辑主语。那么也就是winter,因为coming的动作是由winter发出的。
第1个回答  2014-11-01



对着呢,be good at 意思是擅长什么

第2个回答  2014-11-01
第3个回答  2014-11-01
第4个回答  2014-11-01