英语to for about 3者的用法

拒绝复制党,明确点, if your friend gets an invitation _____ a wedding,you can go with him 为什么是to的

. 动词 +to a) 动词+ to b) 动词 (+sth.)+to+sb. announce to通知某人, describe to向某人描述, explain to向某人解释, express to对某人表达, mention to提及, nod to向某人点头, report to报告, say to告知, shout to对某人大叫, c) 动词 +sth./sb.+ to +sth./sb. add to增加, compare to比作, carry to运送至, devote to致力于,introduce to介绍给, invite to邀请参加, join to连接到, leave to委托给,reduce to下降至, sentence to判处, take to带到 2. be + 形容词/ 过去分词+ to be alive to觉察;晓得, be attentive to注意;留心, be awake to知晓, be blind to缺乏眼光, be close to紧挨着, 3.to+ 名词构成的词组 to a degree在某种程度上, to date到现在为止,to one’s feet跳起来,to one’s mind照…看来, to one’s surprise使…吃惊,to one’s taste符合胃口, to oneself独自享用, to order定做,to the letter不折不扣地, to the point中肯地 1. 动词 +for a )动词 +for account for解释;说明, answer for对…负责,apply for申请;请求,apologize for为…而道歉, beg for请求, call for要求,care for在意, enter for报名参加, fight for为…而战, hope for希望,inquire for查询;求见, leave for离开某地到另一地, look for寻找, long for盼望,mistake for误认为, plan for计划做某事, prepare for为…作准备,provide for为…提供, reach for伸手去拿, run for竞选, stand for象征,search for搜寻, send for派人去请, speak for陈述意见、愿望, take for当作, wish for希望, wait for等待。 b) 动词 +sb.+ for +sth. ask for要求得到,blame for因…责备, excuse for宽恕, forgive for谅解, pardon for原谅,pay for花钱买, praise for称赞, punish for对…进行惩罚,push for催逼,reward for酬谢, thank for对…表示谢意。 2. be + 形容词 +for be anxious for急于做, be eager for渴望, be bad for有害于,be convenient for便于, be good for利于, be famous for以…出名,be fit for适合于, be grateful for对…心存感激, be impatient for对…不耐烦,be late for迟到, be necessary for有必要, be ready for作好准备,be sorry for为…而后悔, be responsible for对…负责,be suitable for适合于, be unfit for不适合, be useful for对…有作用。 3.for+ 名词构成的词组 for all尽管,for a song非常便宜地,for certain确切地,for company陪着,for ever永远,for example例如,for fear以免,for fair肯定地,for free免费,for fun为了好玩,for good永远,for instance比方,for luck祝福,for life终身,for long长久,for nothing白白地,for once有生第一次,for oneself替自己,for pleasure为了消遣,for reason因为…理由,for sale供出售,for shame真不害臊,for short简称,for sport好玩,for sure确切地。 4. 动词 + 副词 / 名词 +for 构成的短语 be in for将遇到,make up for弥补,go in for从事,look out for提防,take sth. for granted把…当作理所当然,have an ear for音感好,have a gift for有某方面的天赋。
第1个回答  2014-06-22