

What are some healthy foods in English?
1. Spinach is a highly nutritious vegetable, often referred to as the "poster child" of healthy eating. It is rich in iron and vitamin B, promoting growth and blood production in the body. The iron in spinach effectively prevents vascular diseases and prevents blindness.
2. Tomatoes are a healthy food packed with vitamin C and lycopene, which can boost the immune system and defend against bacterial and viral invasions, safeguarding overall health. Moreover, the various antioxidants in tomatoes can repair damaged skin tissue, beauty, and maintain youthful appearance.
3. Garlic is a common seasoning with detoxifying and deworming properties. It contains allicin and garlic compounds, which have a germ-killing effect 1/10 that of penicillin and can effectively prevent wound infections, reducing the invasion of bacteria and fungi, and preventing the spread of influenza and fungal viruses.
4. Blueberries are a food with rich nutritional value, particularly high in anthocyanins, which can improve vision, enhance immune function, antioxidant, and anti-aging effects, and have certain anti-cancer benefits.
Mental health:
1. Mental health is relative and absolute health does not exist. Everyone is at a certain point along a continuous line between relatively healthy and extremely unhealthy states, and a person's mental health status is dynamic, not static.
2. A person's mental health can change from relatively healthy to healthier or from relatively healthy to less healthy. Therefore, mental health is a reflection of a specific state at a particular time and should not be seen as fixed or永恒的.