什么是succeed和be successful in doing


"succeed in doing sth"表示在做某事上成功,表示在完成或实现某个具体的行动、任务或目标上取得成功。而"be successful in doing sth"表示在做某事上成功,表示在完成或实现某个具体的行动、任务或目标上取得成功,与主语"be"搭配形成被动语态。它们在释义、用法、使用环境、影响范围和形象上存在一些区别,具体内容如下所示。

1. 释义区别:

    "succeed in doing sth":表示成功地完成某项任务、达成目标或实现某事。

    "be successful in doing sth":表示在某事上取得成功或取得良好的成果。


"He succeeded in convincing the board to approve the project."(他成功地说服董事会批准了这个项目。)

"She was successful in launching her own business."(她在创办自己的业务上取得了成功。)

2. 用法区别:

    "succeed in doing sth":强调成功地完成某个具体的任务、目标或行动。

    "be successful in doing sth":强调在某个方面或整体上取得成功和成就。


"I finally succeeded in solving the difficult math problem."(我终于成功解决了这个困难的数学问题。)

"He has been successful in building a strong reputation in the industry."(他在行业中树立了良好的声誉。)

3. 使用环境区别:

    "succeed in doing sth":通常用于描述完成具体任务、达成特定目标的情况。

    "be successful in doing sth":通常用于描述在某个领域或整体范围内取得成功。


"She succeeded in convincing her parents to let her study abroad."(她成功说服了父母让她出国留学。)

"He is successful in managing his team and achieving consistent growth."(他在管理团队和实现持续增长方面非常成功。)

4. 影响范围区别:

    "succeed in doing sth":强调在特定任务或目标上的成功。

    "be successful in doing sth":强调在整体或广泛范围内取得的成功。


"They succeeded in winning the championship this year."(他们今年成功获得了冠军。)

"She is successful in all aspects of her life, including career, family, and personal growth."(她在生活的各个方面都很成功,包括事业、家庭和个人成长。)

5. 形象区别:

    "succeed in doing sth":暗示达成具体目标或反复努力以实现特定结果的过程。

    "be successful in doing sth":更强调整体成功和成就,给人一种全面、综合的形象。


"After many attempts, he finally succeeded in climbing the mountain."(经过多次尝试,他终于成功登上了山顶。)

"He is widely regarded as a successful entrepreneur in the tech industry."(他被广泛认为是科技行业中的成功企业家。)
