

或许有点不齐全,你可以去网上找一本关于英语语法的书。 1. 谓语是没有从句的,谓语的主要变化是时态,语态等。 2.要分清什么样的从句,首先要能分清和他们相对应的句子成分。如 主语---一般位于助动词或谓语动词前 The answer is right (answer 是主语) -----------isright (横线部分是主语位置) what he says is right (把主语位置换成句子就是主语从句) 宾语--一般位于及物动词或介词后 I know the answer (answer 是宾语) I know -----------(横线部分是宾语位置) I know that he will come here (把宾语位置换成句子就是宾语从句) I am afraid of the dog (dog 是介词的宾语) I am afraid of ------------(横线部分是介词宾语位置) I am afraid of what is happening (宾语位置换成句子就是宾语从句) 表语---一般位于be动词后或联系动词后 He is a good young man (a good young man 是表语) He is -----------(横线部分是表语位置) He is What he used to be (表语位置出现的句子就是表语从句) He looks as if he will cry (look 看起来, 联系动词,后面的是表语从句) 定语--用来修饰名词或代词的成分,单个的放在名词或代词前,短语或句子放在后。所以定语从句在名词或代词的后面。 He is a good boy (good 是单个的形容词作定语) He is a boy good at English (good at English 是短语作定语) He is a boy who is good at English ( who is good at English 是句子修饰名词作定语,即定语从句) 状语--一般用来说明动作的时间,地点,方式,原因,条件,关系的转折等, When he comes , I will do that .(时间状语从句) You should make a mark where you have made a mistake (地点状语从句) If he goes there , I will go there ,too.(条件状语从句) Although/though he is young , he knows much (让步状语从句--表转折关系)