


Should I take my bike or the bus to work?

Both have their pros and cons.

Pros of the bike:
1. I save almost an hour both ways
2. I have the flexibility of timing (especially returning home)
3. Taking the bike works out a bit cheaper than the bus.

Cons of the bike:
1. Riding is a tiring job especially since the total distance is 54Kms both ways.
2. Roads are bad!
3. I cannot sleep on the way

Pros of the bus:
1. Can sleep peacefully (at least in the morning)

文章1 :
For me, cycling to work does take more time than taking the metro (50-55 mins vs. about 40 mins one way) and the train for me, but I still choose to do it a few times a week. But then, my bike is also far from optimal, and it depends hugely on what kind of an environment you’re riding in. Parts of my bike ride are a bit hilly and include lots of traffic lights which probably cost me 5-10 extra mins each way. Rush hours don’t really slow down things on rails that much so it’s pretty much all the same for me which time I commute in.

Essentially, I think the choice comes to what you happen to like most. That the time spent showering is partially offset by the fact that you’d do it anyway is an important find, but that may also apply to other aspects.

Do you like to spend your free time outdoors walking or exercising? Well, you just doubled your efficiency by both commuting *and* exercising at the same time! What a bargain!

On the other hand, I do find that taking a shower at work takes a while longer than taking it at home: I have to pack a change of clothes and a towel, it takes just a little bit of time to go

it takes just a little bit of time to go to the shower room at work, so I wouldn’t even imagine really going through the whole thing in just ten minutes. (On the other hand, I have long hair which also counts.) I don’t think the few minutes matter so much to me but if the difference between the two contestants is a matter of minutes, the few minutes scattered here and there also count.

Also, I don’t really think I’d save that much money by cycling. I have an unlimited travel card for the local traffic anyway, and it’s not so expensive that I wouldn’t have it in any case just for the convenience. I might save a little bit by taking a cheaper unlimited card just for internal city traffic rather than a regional one (I commute to a neighbouring city where I’d otherwise have very little business), though.

On the other hand, if you really ride around 2000 km a year or more (about the same I did last year), that will probably mean you’ll need to spend a little more in bike maintenance as well. No travel is really free, even the bike. But again, if you’d do that anyway…

So, unless there are some huge differences, the biggest difference comes from how things offset each other, or whether they do. Other than that, it’s probably just preference.

bus 的优缺点:
You have seen them as they go down the highway. They are the behemoths of the motorhome and RV industry. They are bus conversion motorhomes. People often associate them with traveling entertainers, politicians and corporations because they are used a lot by those folks. Of all the options for traveling on the open road the bus conversion is by far the most luxurious. But there are disadvantages to consider too. Here is the list of both advantages and disadvantages to consider:


1. Durability. These vehicles are built to last from the ground up. You just can't kill them. They generally outlast any other type of RV made by a long shot.

2. They are easy to handle and drive. Although they are huge vehicles, the suspension has been tuned to make them surprisingly easy to handle as they go down the road.

3. If you are into features and luxury appointments, this the motorhome for you. It's a rolling mansion on wheels.

4. The engines used for bus conversions are very powerful and you should not have any problem with not having enough power to pass other vehicles or tow a vehicle behind. It's comforting to know that when you step on the accelerator the power is there to do what you need.


1. Price. If you think Class A motorhomes can be pricey, you haven't seen anything yet. The most recognized bus conversion companies include Newell, Bluebird and Prevost and their bus conversions can run well into the millions of dollars so they won't be in everyone's price range.

2. Cost of repairs. Although they can be the most durable of RVs, they also can be the most expensive to repair. They also can't be repaired by the local auto repair shop, so you have to be able to get them to a facility that can handle them properly if they need repair. Just buying a bus conversion does not end your investment. Be sure to factor in plenty of money for needed repairs or buy an extended warranty that can put a cap on your repair costs.

3. If major repairs need to be made you will have to stay in a motel during that time as your home will be in the reapir shop.

As you can see the advantages are many and the disadvantages mainly revolve around financial matters. If you have the money to buy one of these fabulous machines, you probably won't be disappointed. But if it will be a stretch for you to buy, you may want to look at a Class A motorhome instead.

I love biking and it makes perfect sense in the city but people are forgetting one important disadvantage: space.

You can't normally carry people or larger or heavier purchases. I use a small bike trailer and I can do decent groceries, but still, I wouldn't to Home Depot with my bike.

If you are going to try biking to work, say, give yourself a few weeks to get used to it. Eventually, you'll be hooked and you won't want to pay to sit next to some smelly old guy on the bus. Hey, happens all the time... Well, happened all the time. I still take the bus when it's raining though or in the winter.

What are the disadvantages of driving a car, walking the dog, standing on your head, going to the toilet...it doesnt come with a TV, you cant fly in it, its not a time machine ect ect.....just do it! everything has advantages and disadvantages, if you want a more specific answer come up with a more specific question...

Makes you sweat; especially bad if biking to social event, work, school, etc.

Most bikes don't have a roof in case of rain

You can't bring your family with you, unless they have bikes of their own

Helmet and/or wind will oftentimes mess up a good haird


Cycling as a means of transport. This is a very debatable subject. What reasons can make us change car for a bicycle? Are there any? Today reasons for riding a bike have changed.

There are many advantages of riding a bike. To begin with, cycling is a inexpensive form of transport. You do no have to spend money on things such as petrol or costly repairs. Moreover, cycling helps you stay fit. It’s a good form of exercise, particulary for the legs, heart and lungs. Finally, cycling is an environmentally-firiendly way to travel because it doesn’t create air polution.

However, riding a bike has also its disadvantages. Cities are a mine of fumes, which are very bad for our health. Riding a bike is such conditions can be dangerous. What is more, cycling on a busy roads isn’t very safe. Drivers don’t care about people on bikes. Finally, if you leave your bike near a shop it might be stolen.

All things considered, although there are some disadvantages to use your bike, I’m sure it’s very healthy. We can stay fit, and as a result live longer.
第1个回答  2009-09-18
In our daily life,people travel from one place to another by vehicles.Some people would like to ride bicycle while others choose to get on a bus.
The people who like to ride to work think that riding bicycle is more environmental to our surroundings and defintely is much more health because we can excercise at the same time on our rush and they also think that taking a bus is so crowed and may the could catch in a traffic jam and may be late for school and work,and that why most young people like to ride to their destinations.But some one hold the opposite view that taking a bus is much easier and is good for solving our crowed traffic situation now,some of them argure that being ride to work is much more likely to happen an accident than taking a bus,and the gas the car release into the air may also do some bad on our health.
However,I keep my opinion that taking buses is better.As our transportaion is becoming more convienent,it may save us a lot of time to get where we are going ~~~
第2个回答  2009-09-18
We can go to school in two ways,by bus or by bike.Both of them have its advantages and disavantages.A bike needs no fuel or gas,it is only drived by man-power.We can save much money by cycling.And it is quite convenient,we can go at anytime,we needn't wait or transfer,what we should do is just to go,go,go!But it has some disadvantages too.It's too slow and takes us much time.Taking a bus is more fast and needs less time.But it must use fuel,and lets out poisonous gases which pollute the air.本回答被提问者采纳