
最好半个小时内能有答案,一个小时也行, 急急急!!!一定重谢!

Most patients coming to the x-ray department will come through reception. If you are an in-patient in the hospital of course you may be taken directly to the examination room. However our virtual reception will help guide you through our department whether you have come from your GP or specialist or need an x-ray after having come through the Accident and Emergency Department.

The x-ray Department now encompasses a large number of different ways of producing pictures of the body. Ordinary x-rays allow us to see broken bones, inflammation of joints, pneumonia as well as helping in establishing the cause of pains in the abdomen, pelvis or chest.

However there are now many different "scans" and other techniques that will allow us to see many of the structures and the workings of the inside of your body. Some of these involve x-rays while others use high frequency sound or a high intensity magnet.

Although whenever you come to an x-ray department the staff will try to explain what is happening this virtual department will provide you with some idea of what to expect. Each room contains an artist's impression of the equipment you will encounter. Each room also has a "member of staff" who will explain what they do and why. We have also tried to include testimonies from real patients. What does it feel like? Did it hurt? Were they frightened and how did the staff help to resolve this?

Hopefully this virtual x-ray department will let you know what to expect and how to prepare for your x-ray.

Most departments will have information sheets about different examinations and you should use this site in conjunction with information that you receive from your own hospital
