
正文(只要意思对了就行,如果我说的不好,可以用您觉得礼貌的方式表达,适当的删减):你好,姐姐,我是昨天和你聊天的那个喜欢漫画的中国人,我换了一个邮箱,这是我第一次给外国人发邮箱,很高兴能认识您,知道你的一些情况我很高兴(这句我知道Very good to know something about you), 盼望早日收到你的回信(looking forward to hearing from you soon)


一:在国外,“姐姐”这个称呼 (Sister) 一般都是家人之间才会用的。就是亲姐妹或姐弟之间。

二:“漫画” 翻译成英文是 Manga,不是 cartoon. Cartoon 是卡通的意思。

~ · ~ · ~ · ~ · ~ ·

Dear ___ (用对方的名字,如果不知道,就直接用 Hi,来当作开头。绝对不能用 sister)

Hi, I had a conversation with you yesterday; I'm the Chinese person who likes reading manga. This is my other Email address, and this is the first time I've sent an Email to a foreigner. I'm really happy to have met you, and I'm very happy to have learned something about you. How have you been lately?

Looking forward to hearing from you soon!

Best wishes,
________ (自己的名字)

~ · ~ · ~ · ~ · ~

第1个回答  2009-08-13
Hi dear ~

Can you remember the Chinese girl/boy who chatted with you about

cartoon yesterday?

I'm the one :)))

I've changed my email address. This is the first time that I email a

foreigner. It is a great pleasure to meet you on internet and I'm very happy to

know something about you. I hope we can be good friends :)))

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Big hugs

Yours XXX

(写过好多这种first letter,据经验给你改了改,不过意思是一样的,可能更亲切一些) 祝你很快收到回信~~~
第2个回答  2009-08-13
Dear XX:
I had a chat with you yesterday,I'm the Chinese guy who likes comic book (不知道你是喜欢漫画书还是动漫。。我写的是漫画书,如果不是你就自己改下吧)~
I got a new email address, ,This is my first email to foreigner,it's very pleased to know you and it's very good to know something about you,I'm so glad that I can make friend with you!looking forward to hearing from you soon



Hey!It's XXX!!(你的名字)

第3个回答  2009-08-13

Dear** :(直接说名字好了,外国人不行喊姐姐什么的)
Do you remember me? I am **(名字),the Chinese boy\girl talking cartoo with you yesterday. With a new E-mail address, it is a great pleasure for me to write to you, because this is my first time to make a pen-friend with a foreignor.

I am very happy to such a friend like you.这里最好加一些你们彼此感兴趣的话题,这样回信时,让人有话可回。 May I know more about you through e-mail? Please keep my new E-mail address in mind and I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.
第4个回答  2009-08-13
Dear Sis,

I am the Chinese person who likes manga and chatted with you yesterday. I have changed my email address.

This is the first time I am writing an email to a foreign friend. I am delighted to know you. It was good to learn about you too.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Best regards,