求翻译成英语。 中国传统的待客之道要求饭菜丰富多样,让客人吃不完。中国宴席上典型的菜单包括开席的一

求翻译成英语。 中国传统的待客之道要求饭菜丰富多样,让客人吃不完。中国宴席上典型的菜单包括开席的一套凉菜及其后的热菜。例如肉类、鸡鸭、蔬菜等。大多数宴席上,全鱼被认为是必不可少的,除非已经上过各式海鲜。如今,中国人喜欢把西方特色菜和传统中式菜肴融于一席。因此牛排上桌也不少见。沙拉也已流行起来。尽管传统中国人一般不吃任何未经烹饪的菜肴。宴席通常至少有一道汤,可以最先或最后上桌,甜点和水果通常标志宴席的结束。

Traditional Chinese hospitality require the food variety, let guests eat.
Typical of the Chinese banquet menu includes open seats after a cold dishes and hot dishes.
Such as meat, chicken, duck, vegetables, etc.
Most of the banquet, whole fish is considered essential, unless have been in all kinds of seafood.
Nowadays, Chinese people like to put the specialty western and traditional Chinese dishes into a seat.
So the steak served also not scarce.
Salad is popular.
Although traditional search Chinese people generally don't eat any without cooking dishes.
Banquets are usually at least a soup, can be the first or the last table, desserts and fruits usually marks the end of the banquet.
第1个回答  2015-11-04
Hospitality China traditional asked the food variety, let the guests eat. Chinese banquet menu includes typical open seats in a dish and hot dishes. For example, poultry meat, vegetables etc.. Most of the feast, the whole fish is considered essential, unless already on all kinds of seafood. Today, the Chinese people like to put the West and traditional Chinese style dishes into a table. So it is not uncommon to have steak. Salad is also popular. Although Chinese people generally do not eat any food that is not cooked. At least one soup, which can be the first or last of the table, dessert and fruit usually marks the end of the feast.追答



第2个回答  2015-11-04
Hospitality China traditional asked the food variety, let the guests eat. Chinese banquet menu includes typical open seats in a dish and hot dishes. For example, poultry meat, vegetables etc.. Most of the banquet table, the whole fish is considered essential, unless there have been all kinds of seafood. Today, the Chinese people like to bring the west characteristic food and追答

