how to make frebds的英语作文100词左右


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  学英语不忘关注时事Location:首页 > 英语作文 > 初中英语作文News怎样交朋友 How to Make Friends
  Source: 恒星英语学习网 2013-06-08 我要投稿 论坛 Favorite Everyone is not alone in the society, andeveryone needs friends. But how to make friends is a question for us. In myopinion, we can make friends in the following principles.


  On one hand, be a good listener .Let peopletalking about what they really want to talk. That you are a good listener meansyou understand him.


  On the other hand, be friendly to people.Everyone will be in trouble, so at any time, we should be friendly to people.In this way, you will have a lot of friends.


  Actually, making friends is a easier job ifyou put you true heart in it.

第1个回答  2016-10-15
The continous hazy weather in China has been effecting many people
lately.Many people living in the effected areas wouldn't be able to get
out of their houses without wearing masks.News media around the globe
have been closely watching the situation,hoping for the better.
As far as i am concerned ,if we work together to be able to do
such measures ,our environment will getting better and better and haze
weather will vanish completely.本回答被网友采纳