
When a
seat in the state legislature opened up in 1996, some friends persuaded me to run for the office, and I won. I had been
warned, before taking office, that state politics lacks the glamour of its Washington counterpart; one labors largely in
obscurity, mostly on topics that mean a great deal to some but that the average man or woman on the street can safely
ignore (the regulation of mobile homes, say, or the tax consequences of farm equipment depreciation). Nonetheless, I
found the work satisfying, mostly because the scale of state politics allows for concrete results-an expansion of health
insurance for poor children, or a reform of laws that send innocent men to death row-within a meaningful time frame

一、 When a seat in the state legislature opened up in 1996, some friends persuaded me to run for the office, and I won.
2)the state legislature:州立法机构
3)open up:开始运作,本处指选举开始运作
4)persuade sb. to do sth.:说服某人做某事
5)run for:竞选
二、 I had been warned, before taking office, that state politics lacks the glamour of its Washington counterpart; one labors largely in obscurity, mostly on topics that mean a great deal to some but that the average man or woman on the street can safely ignore (the regulation of mobile homes, say, or the tax consequences of farm equipment depreciation).
1. 第一层:
1) before taking office介词before + 动名词短语构成的时间状语,意思是“执政以前”;
2) 主句是复合句:即复合句主句(被动语态) + that宾语从句,其中:
state politics:州政界,从下文可以看出这里指华盛顿州的政界
2. 第二层:
1) 主句:one labors largely in obscurity mostly on topics,
Labor on:艰难的前进
in obscurity:默默无闻
2) 第一个that引导的是topics的定语从句;
3) but that:若不是,是定语从句中的条件从句;
4) 括号中是举例说明课题的部分内容。(其中say意思是 “比如说”)
三、 Nonetheless, I found the work satisfying, mostly because the scale of state politics allows for concrete results-an expansion of health insurance for poor children, or a reform of laws that send innocent men to death row-within a meaningful time frame.
1) 主句:I found the work satisfying:分词satisfying是宾语work的补足语;
2) 原因状语从句:because引导的he scale of state politics allows for concrete results allows for concrete results within a meaningful time frame.
Scale: 衡量标准
Allow for:顾及
破折号中间部分的是对concrete results的具体解释。
第1个回答  2009-08-26
当 <br>在州议会席位1996年开放了,一些朋友劝我参加竞选办公室,我赢了。我一直 <br>警告说,在就职前,该国政治上缺乏的华盛顿对应的魅力,一个劳动力主要是在 <br>模糊大多主题,这意味着大量一些,但普通的男人或女人在大街上可以安全 <br>忽略(移动房屋的监管,例如,农场设备或折旧的税务影响)。不过,我 <br>找到满意的工作,主要是因为国家政治规模使为具体成果的健康发展 <br>保险为贫困儿童,或法律,发送无辜的男人在死牢内一个有意义的时间框架改革
第2个回答  2009-08-26