

1.What made his parents proud was that he had made great progress in his studies.


2.Whether the plan will be carried on smoothly is still being kept as a secret.


3.That is no doubt that the Beijing Olympic Games impressed people around the world.


4.It is what made you became so strong and brave that I wonder.

(it is ... that ... 是强调句型,强调了what引导的宾语从句)

5.The news that seventy thousand people have died in the Wen Chuan earthquake makes everyone of us deep grieved.

第1个回答  2009-08-08
1.What makes his parents feel proud is that he has made great progress in his study.
2.Whether this plan will be carried out successfully/smoothly (or not) is still kept as a secret now.(carry on为继续,此处表达实施需用carry out)
3.There is no doubt that Beijing Olympic Games have left a deep impression on the people from around the world.(此句宾语从句需用完成时)
4.I wonder that what on earth has made you so strong and brave?(强调句可以用on earth,in the world,on hell来表示,当然也可以用It is ...that 来表示,此句还可以写为I wonder that it is what that has made you so strong and brave)
5.The report that about 70,000 people were killed in the Wenchuan earthquake makes every one of us deep grieved. (在every one of结构中,every one 不能写成everyone,everyone 只可单独使用后面不可加of)
第2个回答  2009-08-11